Chapter 23: Chaos Awaits

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The following weeks, The Rotten Four plunged deep into their ranks, intent on finding the mole in their group. Mal didn't rest until she had found the person who had indirectly destroyed their hideout and had almost killed Carlos. They questioned every single member before finally moving outside of their own gang. Whoever looked at them for more than two seconds was immediately met with a push to the wall and four pairs of eyes staring them down into oblivion.

Everything was the same at school. Rumors had been flying in that their hideout had been sabotaged and that someone from inside their circle had given up the location to Uma and her crew. Whispers and looks were spread all around, adding more fire to the already impending explosion.

"They sure went all out with the meatloaf." Carlos grumbled, playing with his food.

"Dude, have you seen the lunch ladies? They're goblins, what did you expect?" Jay spat, taking a piece of his meatloaf and stuffing it into Carlos' mouth. Carlos gagged and quickly spit out the nasty material.

"It's better than having no food at home." Mal hissed, bringing her fork into her mouth. The other three gave her a puzzled look as to how she enjoyed the meatloaf. "It's not that disgusting."

"Look." Evie muttered, gesturing towards Uma and her gang entering the cafeteria. They sat at the other end and slumped down into the chairs, giving occasional looks to the Rotten Four.

"I'm this close to just asking Uma who told her." The pixie snapped, pressing together her index finger and her thumb.

"You can't do that." Evie retorted, grabbing Mal's attention. "I mean, it's weird to ask her that."

"How do we know you didn't tell Harry and Harry told Uma?" Jay asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Harry has never come to the hideout." Evie lied, instantly remembering all those nights together and how he snuck out every morning before she woke. "Don't blame me for the mess they made on our hideout, and on Carlos. He gave her a death glare, wanting to avoid remembering the pain he suffered through.

"Besides, they're history. Right, E?" Mal asked, cocking her head to the side.


"Attention!" A voice called, standing on top of a table and quickly drawing all head to themselves. "There's been a lot of tension between certain rival gangs and as much as we'd enjoy good fight, I have something else planned for everyone here."

"What is she talking about?" Evie questioned, eyeing up the figure on the table. The figure was none other than Heather, daughter of the Queen of Hearts. She was the only other princess in school besides Evie. They despised each other, always in competition.

"I propose a little game at my house tomorrow night. Everyone's invited. I expect to see all of your faces for a little bit of Truth or Death." She grinned, getting off the table and disappearing into the crowd.

"She just wants to stir chaos." Evie warned, taking a sip from her beverage. "That's the only thing her huge head can think about."

"We're going, though." Mal began, quirking an eyebrow. "It's our only chance to find out who ratted out our hideout."

Evie's heartbeat made a dramatic drop, Mal's words sinking deep into her brain. She had been extremely worried all these weeks if the investigative trail led to her, but now the tables had turned and she was on top of it all.

"If Uma goes, we go." Jay added, looking over his shoulder to find Harry also looking this way, but not at him. Jay fumed, quickly turning to lock eyes with Evie. "If Harry Hook does not get his eyes off of this table, I'm going to go over there and ram his own hook through his neck."

"Relax, Evie has that effect on guys." Mal mumbled, kicking up her feet.

"Well, it's annoying."

"I don't think it's a good idea to go to Heather's. She's just a self-absorbed attention seeker who wants the spotlight to always be on her." Evie snapped, stabbing her meatloaf with her fork.

"Sounds like someone we know." Jay smirked, glancing at Evie.

"Excuse you, but I am not an attention seeker."

Uma's crew neared their table, little chuckles escaping their lips. She slowed her pace as she passed behind Carlos and Evie.

"Oh, Carlos. You look pretty beat up. I hear cold fish can serve as a good replacement for ice. You might want to put some on those bruises." Uma taunted, her lips drawn back into an amused expression. Mal almost jumped at her but Jay held her down, grabbing her wrist tightly.

"You better keep walking if you don't want to share the same bruises." Evie spat, making the laughing captain abruptly pause at her words.

"And what exactly are you going to do, princess? You do know if you punch me, you'll break a nail." Uma grinned, leaning close to Evie's cheek.

"I don't need to punch you to leave a bruise. She does." The princess cocked her head towards Mal as her knuckles connected with Uma's jaw.

Uma fell back and quickly recovered her posture and lunged herself towards Mal, both of them landing on the dirty cafeteria floor. Evie went to grab Uma but an unfamiliar pair of hands chucked her back. Jay went to her and pushed the thug off of her, punching him square in the face.

Harry kicked Jay in the stomach, causing Carlos to stand up and throw himself on him, slamming his elbow on his shoulder. Jay quickly stood up and tackled Gil who was about to lunge towards Carlos. Evie kicked Uma off of Mal and helped the pixie up, before moving on to slap the next thug next to them.

What first began as a little teasing, ended in a cafeteria-wide school fight.


Honestly that last fight reminded me of the argument in lemonade mouth where they got their band name lol comment if you thought of that too

aaaaand that truth or death idea may have come from riverdale so credit to them, 10/10 i do recommend that show, s2 got me shook

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Lots of love, mike

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