Chapter 27: The Cold Truth

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The pirate entered his room to find his princess picking up the last piece of clothing from the floor. She gave him a smirk as she entered his walk in closet and placed the black shirt on a hanger.

"Princess, I told ye not to clean the room!" He exclaimed, running his hands through his ruffled hair.

"I know." She beamed, noticing a smudge on his window and cleaning it with the rag she held in her hands. "My instincts just kicked in."

Harry locked the door behind him and took off his leather coat, handing out to Evie with a frown on his face. She gently took it from his hand and hung it on the newly placed coatrack next to his door.

"Did ye stay here all day?" He asked, sitting on a wooden chair and untying his boots.

"I may have." She mumbled, playing with her fingers in a guarded manner. "Carlos came by though."

"For?" He asked, looking up at the pacing princess.

"He wanted to make sure I was alright."

Evie wanted to ask him about what Carlos had revealed but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She had immensely enjoyed their night together and if what Carlos had said turned out to be true, all that would be gone in an instant.

"Should I be worried he's gonna whisk ye away from me?" He snickered, standing up to wrap his arms around the princess's waist.

"No, he's just- Carlos is nothing more than just an ally." Evie raised her arms to hang them over his neck. "But he-"

"Listen, my father is out tonight and he's got this huge king-sized bed in his room which he wouldn't mind if we borrow for the night." He leaned in, whispering in her ear. He lowered his head to place a kiss on her neck, his lips stinging like an arrow.

"Carlos told me something." She retorted, pushing the pirate away. "Something which I refrain from calling the truth because if it is then-"

"What did he tell you?" He interrupted, licking his dry lips.

She took a deep breath, biting her upper lip to hold back her words. There were two outcomes to this situation: either Carlos was telling the truth and Harry would receive a nasty blowout from her or Carlos was lying and she would just dismiss the situation to Carlos being jealous, something she could never control. She was hoping it was the latter, for she could learn to forgive Carlos. Harry, on the other hand, would be an entirely different case.

"He told me that you were there when Uma's crew broke into our hideout and left Carlos bleeding in a pool of blood." She sighed, tugging at the end of her dress. "He told me that while you didn't do much, you stood there and watched as your crew pummeled him and beat him senselessly. If what he said is true, than evil help me, Harry-"

She stopped abruptly, not wanting to say the things she'd do to him if she was speaking the truth. She only stood there, her mouth open as if she had frozen in time. You could hear a pin drop in the silence that washed over Harry's room, the ticking of the watch around his arm becoming louder and louder.

"Princess, I-"

"Say it isn't true." She murmured, tilting her head in agony. "Lie if you have to, just say it's not true."

"I won't lie to ye, princess." He retorted, attempting to reach over to her. She stepped back and raised her arms defensively.

"This, this is exactly why I ended things." Evie shakily spoke, covering her mouth with her hands. "You go and do stuff like this and I can't help but want to disregard the fact that you destroyed by home and almost killed my friend."

The pirate kept quiet as Evie released all her built up anger. He gladly accepted all she threw at him, knowing he had messed up and this was his punishment. He was willing to take whatever she said, no matter how hurtful and true.

"I hate how you hurt me over and over again and I just don't care because losing you would hurt even more." Evie's voice broke as she paced before him, never once looking him in the eye. "I'll never forgive or accept what you did because they're my friends and you hurt all of them."

"Don't act like such a saint, aye. Last time I checked, ye went along with the plan to sabotage Uma's ship in the first place." Harry quietly mumbled, keen on not angering the princess more than she already was.

"But I never did anything! I was never there! Yes, I knew about it but I never took anything and I never hurt anyone." She corrected, flailing her arms to further show her state of mind. "As your enemy, this was expected and I'll only be angry because you went after one of us. As your, whatever I am, I'll never forgive you for hurting my friend."

Harry bowed his head with nothing to say. For the first time, he had betrayed her for his crew and for the thrill of evil. At the moment, he never once thought of the repercussions partaking in the destruction of her home and the beating of her friend would bring. He had no justification for what he had done so he had no words to form to defend himself. The only thing he could do was stare at the floor and avoid the pair of eyes that were burning into the top of his head.

"Have you got nothing to say, Harry?" She asked, slowly approaching him.

"There's nothin' left to say." He whispered, raising his eyes to meet hers. Her eyes were red, a little puddle of tears at the edge of them. "I can't say I'm sorry because ye'll never forgive me. I can't hug ye because ye'll just push me away. I know what I did was wrong but I did it anyways and I can't change that." His voice resonated with sadness as he lifted his hands to brush her cheek. "But I can't lose ye again, princess."

Evie winced at his cold fingers running up her cheek, tucking her hair back behind her ear. His touch brought her pain and agony as well as comfort and safety. She was being pulled in different directions, with different emotions forming deep inside her. He always clouded her better judgement with his choice of words and they way he always made her feel as though she was never alone. She had the desire to fight him and bang against his chest for breaking her friend yet she wanted to just bury herself in him and never let go. How could someone so sweet and comforting cause her such confusion and disillusionment?

"We need to sort things out." She muttered, bringing her hands up to pull his down. "We've both made mistakes and I just can't deal with all of this right now."

"Princess, please-"

"Harry, don't make this harder than it has to be. I've succeeded in pushing everyone I care about away because of actions I did, actions that stemmed from me trying to keep us a secret from my mother. I thought I had you to trust and confide in but that isn't true anymore. You lied to me and you did everything a true villain does." Evie turned her back to him and grabbed her things. Harry only watched her solemnly, his lips drawn down into a sad pout.

"It's raining outside." He mumbled, making her look up at him and then out the window. "Wouldn't want to catch a cold, aye?"

"I'll take my chances." She remarked, unlocking his windows and pushing them open. "Goodbye, Harry."

Before he could wish her well, she was already climbing down while the rain came falling down as a sheet of unwavering sadness.


These two have 'broken up' twice now and it's still sad

So like originally this was just gonna be a 40 chapters kind of book but i think I'm gonna extend it to 50 cause i wanna end it where descendants begins and there's still a lot of time that hasn't passed

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Lots of love, mike

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