
519 14 4

10 minutes after...

Maia's pov.

Someone called me and I picked up, but there was so many people around me so I wenr outside and I heard a voice of Rudy ( He wasn't at the party because he was sick )

-Hello, Rudy is everything okay?

-Yeah I just wanted to ask when are you going home?

-I don't know... I'll text you when I'll be in taxi ok?

-Sure. Bye I love you!

-I love you too...

He hunged up and I heard a deep men's voice

-Give me your money.., -the men said.

-I-i don't have money.

He pulled a gun out of his pocket.

- Then give me your phone.

I didn't said or did anything because I froze.

Then I heard a shot and I fell on the cold, hard ground. The man run away and I was left alone in the cold night with a bullet in my leg.

A/N yeah yeah I know this is short, but I will upload little bit latter...

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