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Alissa's pov.

It was a saturday. I woke up and took a shower, brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.

Neels was visiting his parents in Phoenix. So I was alone.
(A/N yes they live together)

I called Maia:

-Hey, babe maybe you wanna hangout? You can come to my appartment. We can watch movies and it can be like a girls day/night.

-Yeah... sure. I'll be there in 20 minutes.


After two hours...

We just finished watching a movie and Maia said:

-What should I do about pregnancy? Everyone starting to think that I might be pregnant... Should I tell them?

-Well you're 3 months pregnant...
Are ready to do it?

-No I don't, -She laided her head down.

-Then don't. Wait for another month or when you're ready and then tell the world, -I smiled.

-I think you're right...

-Does Rudy is ready to be a dad?

-He thinks he is to young, but he's happy. I'm happy too,- she smiled.

-I'm happy for you.

We talked, Laughed and watched movies all day.

It made me think that Maia is the only  person that was there for me when I needed her the most. I love her with all of my heart.

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