Chapter nine: Screw this

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Nathan's P.O.V

I sighed, annoyed as I waited with my grandmother for the in her words 'perfect princess' to arrive so we could meet and officially become betrothed or whatever it was. Honestly, my mind wasn't on this... I was thinking about the girl I love, Mila... Who now apparently was my cousin... But I didn't care. I mean, yeah, it's wrong but, I don't care, I love her, and I want to be with her. The only one stopping me was my grandma who was threatening to have Mila killed if I tried to go see her. I knew that wasn't true, Ben, and I had gone though all the guards and their families to make sure they had no ties to my grandma or my father who was best friends with James.

"Son, are you all right?" my mother asked, looking at me with her violet eyes that well, strangely, I had inherited... Not that I was complaining, but whatever. I looked at my mom and sighed "I hate this mom... I hate knowing how wrong this is..." I trailed off not wanting to say the words, the first person who I wanted to hear me say it was Mila herself.

"You love her, I can see it in your eyes. The way you would watch her, Nathan I am so sorry that you can't be with her, I never knew that James was their father. Truthfully, I never really knew he was my brother... I always thought he was just your father's best friend who lived with us because my father had assigned him to be my guard once I became pregnant. Turns out that wasn't the case," she sighed

"What are you talking about mom?" I looked at her confused as she opened her mouth as if to speak only to stop as the doors to the room opened as a black-haired, caramel color skinned girl walked into the room and smiled at me as I bowed

"Hello Prince Nathan. I am Princess Amira, daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine of Agrabah. I believe your grandmother told you about me?" she looked at me

"Uh, yes. It's nice to meet you princess. If you'll excuse me" I walked outside and sighed answering my phone "How is she?"

"Well, hello to you too dude" Ben laughed before sighing "Depressed, Mal had to drag her out of her room yesterday just to get her to eat something... But, uh, there's a reason I called..."

"What is it?" I asked, concerned not sure if it was about Mila or Mal, either way I knew Ben would need me

"Well, I got good news and bad news..."

"What do you mean Ben?..." I trailed off, the dread clear as day in my voice knowing just from the tone in his voice 

"Mal's pregnant, which is amazing but, when Mila went with her to get checked out... The doctors found something... Nathan she has cancer... Ovarian cancer to be exact, but they already took all the stuff out, but she went for a checkup yesterday and its spread..."

"How far along is it..." I asked

"Doc said it's been spreading for at least a year, maybe more Look, I know you're busy with whatever Leah is putting you through, but... I need you here, man. I need my friend, my brother here for me and our family... Our girls. Please come here..." Ben croaked on the other line... I'm guessing he was thinking about the complications Mal would have with the baby or I guess it could be babies since Mal and Mila were twins. I sighed and looked at my watch "Hey, my old room still stocked with my stuff?" I asked as Ben chuckled "Yeah, I moved all the stuff you left here into there, anyway. Why?" I smiled and got on my horse, it was one of Philippe's, the horse of Belle and her father who had owned it years ago.

"Remember that old hiding spot our mom's put the rings and stuff they wanted us to have when we found the right girl?"

"Yeah, why?" he sounded confused which was good

"I'm coming back... But I need you to get me that ring..."

"Nathan, buddy, I know you love her, but if this is because of the cancer, she already had her stuff removed... We weren't taking that chance..."

"Good and no I need the ring... The one I picked out when I found her..."

"Dude, what are you getting at?"

"A year away from her is too long... I don't care what anyone says I'm not going to let her go again"

Ben chuckled "You want the real ring don't you"

"Yeah... I'll see you in a few hours" I hung up and texted my mom before riding back towards Ben's family castle

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