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Y/n POV:

Guess who slept in an uncomfortable ass chair all night? Bitch you guessed it.... me! This has to be the most uncomfortable night I've ever experienced. And I used to have a mattress on the floor when I was younger. And that was nowhere near as uncomfortable as this damn chair was.

But anyway, I'm just glad that today is finally the day that I get to fly out to LA to stay with Logan.

"Flight 276 to LA is now boarding. Please walk towards the line to get on." The announcer says through the loud speakers.

That's me! Wow... I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm really doing this... why am I so anxious? It's just Logan. My best friend. The person I've known since elementary school. Get your act together y/n! It's not that serious!

I am now on the plane and it has now taken off. There's no turning back now. I'm about a thousand feet above the ground and I'm on my way to LA.

My face is still in a lot of pain so I think sleeping will maybe relive it a little. It's about a 6 hour flight so I'll have plenty of sleep.

Logan's POV:

Today is the day y/n comes to live with us. Not only that, but my dad is coming to visit me. My parents divorced when I was 10 and I stayed with my mom most of the time. I barely saw my dad all through my childhood.

*knock knock*

"Let's breaks plates to scare your dad," Evan whispered in excitement. He's the plug for content ideas.

"It's open!" I shouted.

The door opens and in comes my dad.

"NOW!" I shouted signaling for me, Evan, Lydia, and Brandon to smash a plate on the floor.

"Aaah shit! What the hell Logan?!" My dad screamed in utter fear.

"HI DAD!" I'm so obnoxious. Oh well.

"Hey guess what?" My dad askes.

"What?" I reply.

"Red leather, yellow leather," my dad says. He knows how much that annoys me.

"Nooooo dad stooooop!!!!" I said in pure annoyance.

"Oh you remember y/n right?" I ask my dad.


"Well she's gonna be staying with me."

"For what?"

"Well I haven't seen her since my high school graduation and I wanna catch up. I miss her, dad."

"Eh stop being a simp, you should never act like this with a girl. It makes you look like a pussy."

"Sure dad..."

Y/n POV:

I'm finally here in LA and it is hot as fuck! Not like Ohio, it's freezing over there. California on that bullshit.

I texted Logan and told him that I had just landed. He told me he's gonna pick me up in his "Cool Bus" which I don't know what the fuck that's supposed to mean but I guess we'll see.

Logan's POV:

Y/n texting me saying that she just landed. As soon as I saw that message my heart dropped. I don't know why I'm so nervous.

I told her that I was going to pick her up in the cool bus because it would be good content. She probably doesn't watch the vlogs like that so she wouldn't know what the cool bus is. She will soon find out. I also have a surprise for her. Before I go pick her up, I go to the store to pick up her gift.

Y/n's POV:

I had to go to the bathroom because ya know....girl problems. And Logan had texted me saying he's on his way. Since I was already in the bathroom, might as well look cute. So, I dug in my suit case and took out a romper, my black and purple Jordan's, my lotion because I'm ashy as fuck, some perfume, deodorant, ya know, the works to freshen up. I wanna make sure I look good and smell good for when I see Logan again.

Logan POV:

I'm at the store and I'm getting y/n some flowers, and her favorite chocolate. And there's something that I've been keeping for all these years. It's a locket of us when we were kids. She gave this to me a long time ago and I never lost it or let it go. So, I'm gonna give it back to her to show her that I care about her.

I told her I was on my way. I can't wait to see her. I finally get to see her again. Finally!

Y/n POV:

Logan- I'm here. Come outside.

Y/n- OK

Holy fuck he's outside! I'm glad I decided to freshen up because before this because I looked like a hit mess. Now I'm feeling pretty good.

I walk outside and....

Logan's POV:

She walks outside and...

"Oh my god," we both say in pure shock.

Y/n POV:

I dropped all my stuff and ran straight to Logan to give him the biggest hug of my life.

I literally words. He is all grown up. My best friend is so handsome now. So...muscular. So...manly. It's sexy. My goodness. I missed out on a lot.

Logan's POV:

Holy...shit! I have no words...and I talk a lot. Puberty did her good. She's even more sexy then I remember. And Look at that ass!! Jesus Christ save me.

She dropped all her stuff and gave me a hug. I was on the verge of crying but imma man and I don't cry!

"I missed you Loggie Doggs," she says with a crack of her voice looking as if she is about to cry.

"I missed you too. So much" I told her.

I couldn't let go. Holding her in my arms made me realize that I still have feelings for her. This is my opportunity to try to win her heart.

Y/n's POV:

I could stay in this moment forever. Holding him feels like I'm floating on clouds. I don't know if he still has feelings for me but I sure hope he does.

"Logan, common let's go! I'm not waiting here for you to give smooches to some slut!" Someone screamed from inside the bus.

The voice sounded so familiar.

"Logan what did I sa-" he paused for a second. I got a glance of the man and I was shocked at what I saw.

"You?!" the man yelled.

I let go of Logan's embrace.

"Logan who's that?" I asked him as I started to recognize the man.

"That's my dad, you don't recognize him?"

"Thats your dad? He's the guy who punched me in the face at the airport."

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