Present 2

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The increase of friendliness from people over the past couple weeks was quite noticeable. I wasn't used to being acknowledged. The surge of kindness was a stark contrast to when people would avoid looking at me. It felt nice to be treated nicely even if my weight loss was the reason.

I slumped in my chair, feeling sluggish from skipping breakfast as well as dinner. It was hard to concentrate in class, but I tried my best to focus as my teacher talked.

"Hi, Maya." The soft whisper pulled my attention from the teacher. I turned my head to come to see a pair of blue eyes staring at me.

"Uh... Hi?" The fact that Jessica was addressing me was shocking. Usually she pretended I didn't exist and whisper to her friends whenever I passed.

"I'm just inviting you to my Halloween party next month. You look great by the way," with that she leaned back in her seat. I was never invited to Jessica's legendary parties. Actually, that's false. I was invited once with Erica, but that was only because Erica had asked.

"Hey, Erica."

"Jessica. Hey." Erica got up and gave her a hug.

I smiled kindly at Jessica which she ignored.

"As you know, I  have received the honour of hosting the legendary Baton parties since my sister is now in college," she pulled out a black envelope wrapped with a crimson red ribbon, and handed it to Erica. "Here's your invitation."

"Thanks. Umm... am I allowed to bring a plus one?"

"Well, of course, but Trent already got his invitation."

Erica laughed lightly. "Well, I know. I was referring to Maya," she gestured to me.

She gave me a look but quickly painted it over with a tight smile. "Of course." 

Nothing like being skinny to be respected.


Instead of heading to the cafeteria for lunch, I stopped at the vending machine for a cold water to take with me to the library instead.  I felt more comfortable waiting out the rest of lunch with some reading.

My fingers brushed over the book spines,  my mind slipping into a peaceful state as I hopped from one thought to another. I inhaled deeply closing my eyes, enjoying the quietness of the library.

When my  eyes opened, I yelped at the pair of hazel eyes that came into view. "Shit, Reuben, you scared me!"

He smiled, sheepishly. "Sorry, I just love watching you in your natural habitat."

My heart clenched painfully at the memory of his old nick name for the library. "Natural habitat." I chuckled dryly.

"Have you eaten yet?"

I nodded, lying. "Yea." I rocked awkwardly on my feet unsure of what else to say. He was standing so close. His scent had changed, but he still seemed so familiar.

"Do you want to sit with me?"

I couldn't stop the scoff that left my lips. "Aren't you worried about what Trent will think?" I could feel my emotions rising quickly. He couldn't ignore me for two years and expect everything to be fine and dandy now.

A look of hurt flashed across his face. "Maya, I-"

"Save it." I spun around and walked off before I punched him in the mouth with my lips. I trotted to the bathroom like I was being chased. I guess a was. By feelings of the past. The tears were threating to spill so I locked myself in a stall and silently cried as memories of me and Reuben flashed through my mind.

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