Present 4

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I groggily grabbed around on my night stand for my phone as I heard my obnoxious alarm go off. The small thud on the ground caused me to groaned as I realized it fell on the floor.

I slowly sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes ferociously while  yawning. My alarm had stopped ringing, thankfully. I pressed my bare feet on my rug and got up to get ready for the day. I was exhausted as I spent most of my night engrossed in fiction land.

Digging through my closet, which now consists mostly of loose jeans, sweat pants and baggy t-shirts, I decided on my favorite pair of blue jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

I exited my house, ignoring my grumbling stomach that calmed down during my bike to school.

As soon as I entered, I was immediately greeted by Trent's scowl, and his hateful comments.

Monday was by far my least favourite day of the week.

My head hurt, I was tired, and my mind was occupied by the memories of Saturday with Rueben. I haven't seen or spoken to him since then and by the looks of it, he won't be in school either.

Great, that gives me more time to over think.

Lunch rolled around fairly quickly and I was grateful. It was next to impossible to concentrate when my mind was occupied by questions of where Rueben's and my relationship stood. The gargling of my stomach reminded me of the lack of substance I've consumed. I tried my best to block it out, but I haven't consumed anything but water since the picnic with Rueben. I'm already tired from going to sleep late, and not eating is only making the situation worse.

The loud chatter of the cafeteria filled my mind with doubt as I scanned the room. It has been at least a year since I came in here. I took a breath.

It's just the cafeteria, Maya.

I made my way from the food serving station, my eyes roaming around to find a place to sit.

"Well, well, look who decided to show their face," I heard Trent boom behind me, capturing the attention of the cafeteria. Everyone began whispering to each other.

I sighed, forcing any resentment out of my voice, "Hi, Trent." I turned around, and smiled at him.

He grinned wickedly at me, and looked down at my food tray. "Hmm, are you sure you should be eating that?" he asked, picking up a fry and plopping it in his mouth. "I mean, you did just lose like two hundred pounds. We wouldn't want you gaining it all back now would we?"

I inhaled sharply, my head spinning. I forced a smile back on my face and shrugged. "I don't know, Trent. Is your life so boring that you need to keep me skinny so you can have something else to look at other than your play boy magazines?"

People laughed around me, and Trent's eyes blazed in anger.

"The fuck did you just say to me?" His nose flared as he stared daggers at me.

I took a deep breath, struggling to maintain eye contact. Trent grabbed the carton of milk from my tray and dumped its contents on my head, causing the cafeteria to erupt in commotion.

I sighed again, fazed but not all too bothered by milk dripping down my face. Slamming my tray into his chest, causing food to smear his designer shirt, I headed straight for the exit.

Today is not the day.

I breathed heavily as I peddled my bike home. My bag was carelessly discarded on my bed as soon as I entered my room. The loud slam of my bathroom door echoing through the empty house. My heavy breathing was my sound track as I turned my shower on, hopping in fully clothed. The cold water poured over me, cooling my body down as I stood there motionlessly. After I gathered my thoughts, I stripped out my clothes and dropped them on my shower floor. I eyed my body in disgust as I pinched the rolls that were still prevalent on my body. I screamed in anger, slapping the tiled wall in frustration. 

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