Chapter 1| Door To The Other World

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I stalked her from the trees and crept upon her quitely. Jumping down from behind her "RAWR" I yelled causing her to jump and grasp her chest as if I had given her a heart attacked "For the love of god Danni" she said turning around and slaping my arm. I was in a fit of laughter to the point where breathing was impossible, I fell to ground grasping my sides, gasping for breaths "You are so rotten" she said pouting and folding her arms across her chest, which caused me to laugh harder at her childish looks.

After my fit I stood up and pulled her into a hug "Im sorry Caroline" I apologized letting her go, she rolled her icey blue eyes and flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder "Why should I forgive you?" She said "Because you are my best friend and Ive been on Punishment for a whole month, you being mad at me is one I cannot bare" I said giving her my best puppy dog eyes, but she refused to look at me, into my amber-orange eyes "Look at me caroline" I begged "No, because you would try and compelle me even though you know that doesnt work on demons" she said finally looking at me "Its worth it every single time I try" I said with a smile, she rolled her eyes and shoved me.

"How does it feel to be free?" She questioned I smiled "Great" I answered "What did we learn?" She asked, this was a routine when I broke the rules, I am a rebel what I can say rules dont apply to me. " Absolutely nothing" I said smiling and she shook her head "When will you learn?" She asked "When I die" I answered truthfully "But thats impossible unless you get blacklisted and even then would it be too late" she replied, I shrugged "Im not scared" I said and began walking deeper into the forest and Carolime followed "You should be" she said "What if you had succeed in opening that door?" She asked "Then I would have spent an hour or two in the other world" I replied "and if the hunters found you?" She asked concerned about my reckless thinking and behavior "I would have been fine" I answered, she stopped walking "You are so reckless" she said I turned to her "Caroline, I would have been just fine, I masked my scent before attempting to open the door" I said, her icey blue eyes began to tear "No doesnt matter, you would have gotten caught, then what? Be staked at the heart and I wouldnt have a best friend anymore" she said her voice getting caught in her throat.

I shook my head and pulled her into a hug "and what about the triplets Danni? They would miss their loving big sister" she cried into my shoulder, I sighed "Im sorry" I said hugging her tighter. Caroline has always been this sensitive, we had become friends under similar circumstances, I had done something reckless in grade school and broken my arm but I didnt cry in pain even though my bone was completely out my skin, she cried for me, I tried explaining to her I would heal as soon as I drank blood but sge refuse to listen and my father made me apologize to the poor child for making her cry, Caroline always cried for my well being.

After Caroline calmed down we walked further into the woods. "How's Lucifer?" I asked breaking the silence "He is great" she beamed I smiled "Thats great" I replied. Lucifer was Caroline's boyfriend, I didn't like him much because well he was a brat and didnt fully grasp the rules of the supernatural world and to make it worst he wasnt 100% demon, he wasnt even half he was like 4% demon but he walked around like everyone owed him something because he was named after Caroline's grandfather. "I still dont get why you are with him but if he makes you happy C, Im happy" I said "You guys should hang out" she suggested, I made a face "Pass" I repiled waving the idea off "Oh come on Danni" she whined "Please for me?" She begged I rolled my eyes "No" I answered "Thats so unfair, if you wanted me to hangout with your zing-" I cut her off "You're what?" I asked "My zing...." she repeated more quitely, I laughed "Good joke" I said looking at her and she wasnt laughing, she looked pissed "Im serious Danni, Luci and I zinged" she stated, I blinked repeatled like my eyes were dry "What?" I asked.

How could that even be possible? Him and her, her and him? I get she really liked him but zinging? Isnt that taking it a bit far??? 

"Luci and I, ZINGED" she repeated, I shooked my head "Caroline saying that is big step in your relationship, you guys barley have things in common" I said placing a hand on her shoulder "That doesnt matter, those are just things. Feelings are what matter" she said "I wouldnt want to date myself" she added rolling her eyes, I sighed. My best friend is one of those hopeless romantics, she enjoyed everything cheesy, cliche, and corny, if it had those 3 Cs she was like a puddle of demon before your feet. "I dont want you hurt, you only zing once and we both know the story of what its like when one end only zinged." I said "I dont believe you zing once, what if someone zinged with 4 different people" she asked "Thats not even remotely possible in our world and you know it" I said. "Times are a changing Danni" she said sounding like a redneck which caused a slight laugh to leave my lips "Times can change but that cannot change the rules of our world" I repiled "You zing only once. Its been that way since the dawn of time how can that change?" I asked "Because we arent like werewolves, where its one mate for life" she said "Zinging is the same thing" I aruged "No its not" she answered, I waved her off not wanting to aruge this anymore.

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