Plans for Tomorrow

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    *Two Days Later*

    *Rose's POV*

    Onii-chan and his friends are staying with Leorio, Gon and Killua. We even have Neon back, but there's something wrong with her.

    "Why won't it work? It always works." Neon says, trying to use her ability once more. It seems like she has completely lost her fortune-telling ability. When we broke the news to her father, he sort of snapped.

    The loss of Neon's power isn't the worst thing to happen. The worst thing to happen so far is that it seems like both Gon and Killua have been captured by the Spiders. The only upside is that Kura managed to catch the leader of the Spiders, a man named Chrollo.

    Kura is on the phone with a Spider right now. They are discussing a trade for the captives. I'm being a good girl and waiting for what is happening next, rather than eavesdrop on their conversation.

    After a few minutes of talking, Kura hangs up, this time for real. "So where is the trade taking place?" He looks at me and sighs.

    "I am not going to ask how you know that. I learned a long time ago that it is not worth it." Kura says. "The trade is going to happen at the airport, at midnight. Before we go, there is something I need to do." Kura turns to Chrollo and activates his Judgement Chain. Kura then makes sure that Chrollo can't use Nen or talk to any other member of the Phantom Troupe.

    We then head to the airport. A few minutes before midnight, a lady comes out of a nearby airship with Gon and Killua.

    "Rose, go get Chrollo." Kura orders. Under normal circumstances, I would snap at him for ordering me around, but his mental state is relatively unstable and I don't want to cause any more damage to him. So I bring Chrollo out.

    The trade goes off without a hitch and, just to tie up loose ends, Kura uses his Judgement Chain to ensure that the lady was also unable to talk to any other member of the Phantom Troupe.

    Kura and I escort Gon and Killua back to the apartment that they had rented. Then the nine of us have a chat about what comes next.

    "Killua and I are going to find a way to play Greed Island. I am hoping to find some clue as to where my father is." Gon says. Killua nods in agreement.

    "I wish you the best of luck. I am going to go back to school. Actually, my flight leaves some time tomorrow, so I should probably start packing." Leorio says.

    "I am going to continue my association with the Nostrade family. I have the feeling that they are my best bet for achieving my goal." Kura says. Yusuke looks confused.

    "What is your goal?" Yusuke asks. Kura looks at him for a second, before he decides to tell him the whole story.

    "Four years ago, my entire clan was murdered for their eyes. My goal is to collect all the stolen eyes and return them. At the same time, I am also working on destroying the Phantom Troupe because they are the ones who killed my family." Yusuke, Kuwabara, Onii-chan and even Hiei nii-san look shocked by this information.

    "But why would they kill your clan just for their eyes?" Onii-chan asks. I decide to explain it instead of letting Kura continue. I close my eyes and focus for a second, which turns my eyes full scarlet.

    "The reason the Kurta clan was killed was because our eyes are one of the most beautiful colors in this world." I go up to Onii-chan's friends and show them my eyes. Gon, Killua and Leorio all look shocked by the fact that I am a Kurta.

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