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Brown eyes. Almost black.

Oh my god

Beads of sweat sprinkled your back, causing chills to consume your body.

He was standing back first against the wall, one foot on it and one foot off. He looked at the sky- that in this light appeared to be painted black by someone with a heavy hand. It was rich in that way.

Something about his messy hair and sloppy posture screamed "I don't have safe sex!" - however the intentionally innocent smile plastered to his face pleaded otherwise.

"You shouldn't be here," he said in a sing-songing way, (The way a 6 year old would taunt his little sister with). His gaze was suddenly so flirtatious and intrusive.

"What, why. Why shouldn't I be here?" You thought.

"It's an alleyway, what makes him think he owns this- it's not like it's his own personal property."


Before you could finish, he was slammed against the wall. Sharp fear coursed through your wrists and chest, and you were able to hear your own heartbeat through your stomach.

Huge hands grabbed him, shook him, and in a second he was pressed against the wall again - only this time unwillingly.

The same boy you met just minutes ago, that looked like he wasn't afraid of anything was now shaking.

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