Nathaniel Savourly Bonny P.O.V

22 4 0

My eyes automatically shut as the agonizong pain and regret of leaving my poor mother returns. It's been about four years since then. I've been getting these images of my mother, Mary, and my god-father, Edward. Mary is the one I see the most... I miss her terribly. When I met her I was one year old.

I have a picture of her and mother together. Mary was in her 'James Kidd' disguise and mother was waring her barmaid dress. Both so beautiful. I hold back the tears as they flood my hollow head.

I open my eyes and get up to climb to my roof. After I scratch my spikey hazel-haired heaf, I pull the rope ladder down. I yawn and slowly make my way up to the roof. I see the Sun hiding away behind the Western City of Fears. I smile and pick off a couple Maple Jay berries to get me awakened. The buttery sweet taste melts into my mouth as i stand straight up and dive into my overheaped leaf pile. My back hits the plush landing as a easy finish.

Sighing I jump up and make quicker strides to the fruit bushes. I grab two of everything, Danorays, Grapels, and Violets. As I turn to grab an extra Violet, I see the NorthSouth Bridge. It's so tempting to go back, but I just can't; it's too dangerous.

I shake the gut wrenching feeling off and climb a tree, sprinting across the old sturdy branches and jumping through my window. I put the fruit in a stone bowl and set it under my bed. While I was outside, I took a glimpse at each territory.

The Southern Territory looked darker than usual, Western had its usual red-ish glow, Eastern is already asleep (All its lights are visibly put out.), and  Northern... still the most colorful and hopefull even in the darkening night. My smile finaly emerges and I look out my other window (The one adjacent to the one I leapt through.). The plains were swaying in the moonlights whistling breeze. Tall grass, wild flowers, a couple rare Chenrehl trees, and all the nocturnal animals slinking and pouncing through the land. So calming.

God, I freaking love Kasetch Woods. It's so beautiful here. I don't know if ther's other Woods Countries, but I wouldn't dare move. I'd miss too much, the tree house, mother, Eddie, the fantastic fruits, the plains... every thing.

The Sun started to rise and I yawned at first sight. "Well, that's my que..." I mumbled to myself. My bed seemed to engulf me and I closed my eyes. But I couldn't seem to sleep...



Awe snap what's goin on lol xD So, how are my people doin?

Ha right. So if you want some info on things, look on the first chapter and at its A/N to see what I put for contacting. If I don't answer my kik at first, message md again with somethin like  " Oi i have some frikin question for you!" and I'll probably reply by then lol.

But anyways here's a little tid bit of my day:

Well today at lunch I figured I sit with my Brother and his friends. All was cool. I ended up accidently biting his friend Connor and he thought I gave him Rabies which I thought was hilarious, then Dante was all googly eyes at me like I'm some freak ... or Godess bahahah, then Connor started ro flirt with me like my Bro wasn't there and he went a bit too far and my Bro like went off on him xD entertaining lunch for me lol.


Well thanks for sticking around fellow watter padders ^_^

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