NSB's and C-MR's P.O.V

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A/N:  Sorry for not updating as much, it's kinda hard to do on my phone and I keep forgetting where I put my pre-written chapters. Well anywho, here's your story!



"Okay, help me up. We have to get back to the tree house before morning." I pat her back and she sits up.

"Yeah, right, let's do this!" She smiles and grabs my hands, pulling me out of the sticky mud. She lets go once I'm up and looks to the sky. "Wow... it's so big."

She goes on about some childhood memory of her thinking the moln was a pancake or something. I just stare at her face, tuning her words out. Her cheeks have a slight blush on them, her hair is dancing with the wond, and her beautiful eyes. They're sparkling, so adorable. I cut her short of her story after a while. "Hey, let's go home, eh?" I say softly and smile. I start to walk back thinking to myself, Home... I like the sound of that.

My smile dissappears as I see a dim lantern light dowb the path. Caroline-Mary attatches herself to my arm with fear sketched all over her face. We need to hide somewhere until who ever that is goes by. I look around an old hollowed out tree.

"C'mon, into the tree." I whisper and point to it. She nods and follows me to the tree. I climb in and sot on a ledge type platform and put Care-Mare on my lap. "Wrap your tail around something so it isn't dangling." I whisper to her as I peek through a hole. I felt her tail wrap around my upper thigh and I blushed a little... yeesh.

The light started to bet brighter and footsteps got closer. Care-Mare starts shaking, her face in my neck, and I put a comforting arms around her shoulders. A man - no, a woman- sgarted to come into sight. Red hair, kinda... short. Once the person got into proper veiw, I could see their face. I felt the colour drain from my face. "Mother..." I whisper to myself watching her tired face go by, heading back to N.T.


C-M's P.O.V

We sit cramped in the old tree for about fifteen long minutes ubtil Nathaniel nudged me a but. "It's alright now, the've gone away." He sound stressed and kinda empty. I blink a couple times and drop out onto the cold dew covered grass. He followed close behind with a blank expression.

The whole trip home was silent and the air seemed sad. The crickets were even quiet. I stopped him before we reached the tree, tired of the silence. "Nathaniel, what's wrong?" I ask, pulling on his long sleeve.

"Nuthin'." He mummbled looking at the ground. He yanked his sleeve away and tried going up to the house. Oh no you don't. I grab the back of his coat and pull him back down.

"Nathaniel. Savourly. Bonny! What is wrong with you?! ... Can't you trust me?" My voice fades out as I look at him. His eyes widen in the fading moon light.

"No! It's not that! Just... let's get into the tree first and I'll tell you." He ruffled my hair and climbed up with me close behind.

I wriggle my weapons off and set them on the table next to the window. "Well? What's wrong?" I question once again and sit on the bed. He sighed and set his weapons next to mine.

"Well," he sat next to me," that person that was walking..." he looked like he was about to cry, "It was someone that I love dearly..." That's when it hit me, (in the face, like a sledghammer) he's talking about his mother!

My eyes widen and I put a hand on his knee, "Nathan... I'm so sorry. I can't even begin to imagine how much it pains you..." He looks at me with sad eyes.

"I'm so tired Caroline-Mary. S, so tired." He started to cry and covered his face with his hands.

"Nathaniel.." I whisper and put a hand on his arm. As soon as it made contact, he looked at me with the most heartbreaking look in his eyes I've ever seen. That broke me down and I also started to cry. He scooted closer and pulled me to him, engulfing me in a gentle, warm hug. We cried on each others shoulder for what seemed like hours, rocking back and forth.

~^°^~  ~^°^~  ~^°^~

It had taken only about twenty-five minutes, though, to not leak fluids from our faces. We haven't moved an inch, my eyes are closed and my head is resting on his chest. His head is resting on the top of mine woth his arms stretched around my shoulders.

"Hey..." he startled me making me look up at him, now with seemingly permanent droooy eyes. "Let's go to bed, the sun's been up for almost 20 minutes." He smiles sadly and I nod.

"Olay, but can you close the blinds?" I plop back onto my pillow and close my eyes with an arm across my face. Nathaniel shut the blinds and made his way to the bed.

"Goodmorn, Care-Mare." I hear him whisper. I smile and cover up, clutching the plushy.



Yep, soo there you go. Once again sorry for any grammatical errors, I did it on my phone. Hoped you liked it ^_^

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Bai bai. :D

Kitten kisses and Puppy higs! ♥♪♥

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