NSB's and C-MR's P.O.V

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PreA/N: Dedicated to my dear Rimivi :D She made the new cover guys~!

I slowly blink myself awake and look down at Caroline-Mary. I make sure my yawn is quiet as I look her over. She's death gripping my plushy, her ears lazily flopped about, and her hair is all over her face. I smile and look out my window. Holy crap! It's actually day. I usualy wake near eight-nine ish, when the sun is just setting.

I grab the rafters above the bed and swing off. The fruit I picked looked ripe still, so I took a Danoray and started to chomp on it. I felt a pillow hit the side of my face, "Aye chew with your mouth closed you damn monkey!" Caroline-Mary growled, covering her head with the blanket.

I hold back a chuckle and chew quieter. I look out onto the N.T, watching all the little figures scramble about. I throw the seed out the window and lean against it.

"They're still searching for you, ya know."  Caroline-Mary startled me while walking uo to the window, arms crossed. I nod to acknowledge her.

"I would figure so. Mother has a strong mind and soul." I look at her, " If those ignorant Templars would leave, I'd go home, but I can't. I look back out the window towards my old home.

"Why cant you go back? Most of the four territory's populations are assassins based, and the Templars that I've seen mind them not." She questions, sitting on the window cill.

"Well, I was once the highest ranked assassin in the Creed. The Templars Headmaster came to the Base in search of me. They appearantly wanted to use me for an officer. The Masters took them into the meeting room and I took advantage of the time I had. I left the Creed in full sprint, finally stopping under this tree. When I heard the Templars' troops coming I climbed straight up. The tree house was already here, luckily, and I Hid under the bed." I look face, which was a mixture of fear, confusion, and discust.

"They'vd been here for four years?" There's the discust, " And you must be the Nuetral Rouge everyone talks about?" She asks. There's the fear and confusion. I nod.

"Yes, the Templars let out the rumor that I'm this horrible killer. So, I've been here the whole time. Sleeping in the day, moving ib the night. I've only jad to assassinate two Replars, they found out my hiding place. The only place I could hide their bodies were in the Liné Pond." I hear her sigh in relief as I stare off into space.

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"It must've been scary, killing them then throwing them away." I look at his face. He seems to have gone through a lot in the past four years... "You shouldn't feel about it, you were only protecting yourself."  He looked at me and examined my face.

"I guess you're right. Again." he half smiled and nudges me with his elbow.

I smile and look out the window," Of course I am." I snicker a little, " Have you ever noticed that the days get shorter and the nights get longer?" He sits next to me and I look over to him.

"Yeah, but after four years of being a night owl, I've come to see how beautiful it's at night instead of mornig." He looks at me and smiles sweetly. I think I'm starting to like that smile of his. He's a charmer, just like his mother and father.

"I'll have to get used to that too, huh?" I laugh a little and put a stray strand if hair behind my ear.

He claps his hands and stands up, "Once again Miss Read! So the first step is seeing the sunset as the new moon rise." Nathaniel takes my hand and drags me over to the N.W. window.

Before I looked out I said, "You can call me Care-Mare." He smiled and nodded, gesturing out the window. When I saw the purplish redish sky high lighting the City Of Fears, I gasped and subconciously gripped his hand. " It's so beautiful. I've never stayed out long enough to see it." I stepped closer to the window, sitting on its ledge.

"Have you ever see the Moon come out?" I shook my head. he then pointed out above where the su once was. "Watch as you see your first new daylight appear." I followed his finger and the Moon came up slowly, emitting a bluish light. Then the sky exploded silently with beautiful sparkling lights; Green, blue, orange. All so magnificently arranged.

"Thank you so much for showing me that. It's the perfect way to start my new lifestyle." I turned around and gave him a big bear hug, blushing.

"Anything for a Read, and a good friend." He chuckled and returned the favor. I smiled and began to feel a little dizzy. Wait... did he poison me or something? My knees buckled an Nathaniel caught me. "Did you eat the Violet I gave you?" I nodded rubbing my temples. "Yeah you ate the whole thing, didn't you?" I nodded again. He carried to the bed gave me his plushy, and covered me up. "There's sleeping antibodies in the tiny seeds, I'm sorry. I should have told you."

"It's alright..." I yawn and close my eyes. God, to think I thought he poisoned me, how rude. I snickered to myself as I drifted away. Fluffy bed~~~




I almost forgot to post today, jeez.

Well I guess I have a sorta kinda excuse, I have a choir concert on the 8th (thursday) and I've been trying to make sure I got my music down good.

I can't wait guys! Summer is sooo close and I'll be writing more! And hanging with my secret crush lol xD

I hope you guys are enjoying the story. If you need to know anything, email me or message me on Kik or simply comment~

Kik: kitkatloverhaha

E-Mail: themeadowgirl@gmail.com

Hmmmm I guess that's it! Bai Bai~

Kitten Kisses and Puppy Hugs~!


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