Chapter One

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Chapter 1


"Get to detention, Potter."


"James, I said, get to detention."

I jabbed the tall sixteen year old James Potter in the chest with my finger, trying to force him to detention. He wouldn't budge. Sighing, I grab his arm. "Hey! I don't like-"

"I don't like when you don't listen, Potter." I say through clenched teeth, marching him to the Transfiguration classroom, where he had detention. James reluctantly tried to pry me off.

He slid his hand into mine. Oh no, I think in agony, he's going to do that again.

Sure enough, stupid black haired James Potter swooped down and placed a big kiss on my mouth. In front of multiple students roaming around. I push him off and glare at the students. "Get to your House dorms, all of you!"

Before anyone uttered another word, the roaming students circled away and out of sight. I turn to James, and he has the biggest grin plastered on that stupid face of his.

"James, you really are getting on my last nerve." I grumble and knock on the classroom door. James slips an arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. "Oh, but you like when I play around, Kathrin." he purred, nuzzling the top of my head.

He couldn't lie - I did like it when he embarrassed me in public. I just didn't like it when it was when I was on my post as a prefect.

I slap him arm and push him to the door, turning on my heal and walking away. Before I can get more than seven feet from him, James calls out obnoxiously, "Kat, you still love me, right?"

I stop abruptly, and turn, only to see the teacher appear into the doorway behind James. "Kat, I said-"

"Enough, Mr. Potter. Thank you, Ms. Snape, for bringing him for me." the teacher says politely, ushering James into the classroom.

I turn back to the direction I was going. An answer burns in my brain.

Yes, I do still love you, James. I think as I walk, I do. But do you still love me?

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