Chapter Six

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Chapter 6


I stop dead in my tracks and turn to face my boyfriend. At least, my ex-boyfriend.

"Care to tell me something, James?" I say impatiently.

"Well, uh, er, n-not really-"

"It was a demand, not a question."

I glare at James, feeling like somebody is slowly prying out my heart and soul. It hurts. I didn't want our relationship to end like this.

James grabs my face. I slap him.

"Prongs, look..." Sirius steps up, placing a hand on James' shoulder. Was this what Sirius meant when he said he's open when James broke up with me?

"Padfoot, shut up." James uttered furiously through clenched teeth. He looked at me, and his face softened. "Kat, look, I never thought you'd wake up from your coma, and I never thought Lily would agree to dating me."

My rage heats up, and I feel angry tears escape my eyes. "Oh so you just go up to Evans, like, 'Oh, hey Lily, look, my girlfriend Kathrin is in the hospital wing because her brother cast an Unforgivable Curse on her, and I don't know if she'll ever wake up. Wanna go out sometime?' and she just says yes?!"

"Well, that's almost exactly what happened." James gulped.

I shake my head. I throw the promise ring he gave me in our fourth year at his forehead. "Forget it. We're over."

I start to walk away.


"Over!" I yell at James angrily, and hurtle off to the Forbidden Forest.


Author's Note:

Hello there~ I'm happy if you've kept reading this story. I want to thank my friend @gabvian for giving me the idea of Kathrin running into the Forbidden Forest after a break up with James.


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