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Forth wake up from his sleep. He found him self naked. He wonder what happen and recalls his moment with Beam. He felt so bad, he found Beam is not in the tent. He wear his clothes and went to search for Beam. He found Beam sitting alone on a rock. Forth get more worried as he never seen Beam sitting alone. He will be always surrounded by girls or be in hi doctor gang. Somehow, Forth felt he needs to talk with Beam. Thus, he approach Beam.

Forth: Beam...

There is no reply from Beam. Forth tries again...

Forth: Beam, I'm sorry.

Beam: Forth, Please don't talk about what happen last night.

Forth: I'm really sorry Beam. It.. it happen... i don't know how to say.. but I'm feeling bad and guilty.

Beam: Forth... Just forget about that. You don't have to feel guilty... you didn't force or anything.

Forth: but I want to be responsible gor what I did.

Beam: Your responsibility is coming.

Beam point at Kev and left the place. Forth felt extremely sad. He sit in the place where Beam was sitting. Kev comes to Forth.

Kev: Forth, what are guys talking about?

Forth: Nothing.

Kev: Forth... What happen why your face look upset. Something happen last night.. did you tell Beam anything.

Forth: No Kev I didn't tell him anything. Although I able to be with him I can't tell him anything.

Kev: Okay... Forth. Everything will be alright. Go and take your shower.

Forth went to take his shower. Kev felt Forth is hiding something from her. She call her friend, Lin.

Kev: Lin, I felt something happen between Forth and Beam. I made mistake by bringing Forth to this trip.

Lin: Why... what happen?

Kev: He got the chance to spend more time with Beam. I can't control him much.

Lin: Kev, be carefull. If he said anything to Beam then you have to forget Forth.

Kev: No way!!!!.... Forth is only for me. I will never let Forth go from me that easily.

Lin: Okay... I understand. What is my honey doing?

Kev: who is your honey?

Lin: Ofcourse, Beam.

Kev: I felt something wrong with him. He wants to be alone.

Lin: Really, he is not with any girls anymore. I will try my luck after you guys return from this trip.

Kev: Lin can you understand or not. Beam is alone and it make oppurtunity for Forth to be with him.

Lin: Shit... this is dangerous for you.

Kev: That's why I'm worried. Give me any idea to make Forth be away from Beam.

Lin: Hmmm... Kev there is juniors in the trip right. Just pay them some money and ask them to be with Beam. Remind them to be with Beam only not more than that.

Kev: Okay, good idea. Thanks Bye...

Lin: Bye...

All the members enjoy the trip with task and activity but Beam and Forth are totaly lost. Forth is just thinking about Beam. He never participate in any activity. He just keeps an eye on Beam. While Beam in full of confusion. He had sex with Forth. Himself couldn't find any reason for having sex with Forth but it happens. It's first time for Beam. He is fully aware what is happening when both of them having sex and he enjoys them. He is feeling bad for himself....

"Prince Tee... be carefull" heard by Beam. He looks around and found everything is freeze. He saw a young man riding a horse crazily. Few warrios follow him shouting Prince Tee be carefull. Beam look clearly and found that guy look exactly same as him. The prince could'nt control his horse anymore and the edge is not far.  The warriors trying their best to save him but they could'nt. Beam who watch this gets worried. Out of sudden, another warrior comes there riding his horse. He is more professional compare to everyone. He reaches the prince right on time and carry him from his horse.
The prince hugged the warrior tightly and said "I know you will come". Beam try to see the warriors face but it is covered. The prince remove the cover and peck a kiss in his cheek. Beam is shocked to see a Prince kissing a warrior. He tried to look the warrior's face. Its Forth!!!!...

Beam's vision get blurred the moment he saw the warrior look alike Forth. When he open his eyes. He found himself inside their the tent. Forth is there with him holding his hand....

Beyond Ages (Forth ♡ Beam)Where stories live. Discover now