Part 1

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I hoist my weapon and glide towards the male. I take a deep breath, trying to tell myself that killing him is the right thing to do. No one this evil deserves to live and I have to eliminate him. I see the evil in his heart and to earn respect in my realm, I have to do this job right. Yet all this does not convince me and tears well up in my eyes. With a heavy heart, I bring my weapon down and it hits him in the head with a crack. He crumples and falls face first onto the ground. I almost run to catch him. No sound leaves his mouth and I nudge him with my weapon to see if he is still alive. He isn't. I fall beside next to him and sob. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I keep repeating the words till I stop crying. Why did he have to be evil? I take one last look at his heart and snap my fingers.


He lay crumpled at her feet. I couldn't see his face because of the brutal hit that I had caused. Other than that, he looked like a fully grown man. I couldn't see him before as our kind cannot see in the human world. We can only see their hearts. Each heart is a different colour and his heart was dull grey. The colour of a sad, dying, evil human.

"Well done. I am impressed. With your disability, I couldn't possibly expect anything from you, but you have proven yourself worthy."

I look down, more out of fear than shame. My disability. I had been born with the ability to love. It was all because my mother had bred with a human. She hadn't loved him, it had been a punishment. I had never seen him, but it did not matter. I wasn't supposed to love anyway.

"Thank you, lady. Am I now worthy of joining the Throng?" I keep my eyes lowered, not daring to look in her eyes.

"The Throng? She laughs. "That was too little of a task. I have more for you." When I remain silent, she says, "Do not get me wrong. I am not doing this without a reason. You have a bad family history. On top of that, you have a disability. It would simply not do if I let you into the Throng without any task or struggle."

By bad family history, she means my grandmother and mother, who both had joined the Throng and had done nothing. They wasted their time and did not train. During the battles, they both betrayed the Sky Realm by fighting by the side of the demons. Why? For fun, of course. Now they were both wandering around all day, side by side, while my grandfather took care of me.

As for my disability, it wasn't uncommon. Many others had it and almost all were castaways. Roaming around, switching between realms for a job. Hoping they wouldn't fade as they had no purpose.

"I will summon you later. Do you understand?" There is no hospitality in her words. She just sounds diplomatic; exactly how a ruler should sound.

"I understand. Thank you for your time, lady." I bow down and my eyes land on the man again. I feel bad, terrible, but I cannot show it on my face. The guards escort me outside and close the doors of the castle behind me. It is night time, but there are no lights as we glow in the dark.

I fly to my living area, which is a cave. I don't know the material it is made up of, but it is certainly different to the other realms. Water and Earth realms live on the planet. We do not. We live in the skies. We have our own world, which isn't visible to the humans. It should be, really. We fought on their behalf. Every time the humans changed realms to explore, we had to fight.

The Water realm is understanding in some parts, but the rest are like the demons, no soul at all. We have no heart, well I do, but the rest don't. Although, all of us have a soul. A soul that is attracted to goodness like moths drawn to a flame. Of course, some souls just aren't strong enough.

I glide into the cave and I see my grandfather. He must have woken up when he felt my presence in the realm. He is sitting, polishing a weapon. I don't know why he bothers. He isn't in the Throng. He takes care of weaklings and younger Skiels. "Wanao." 'Welcome' in old Skiene language. I knew only a few words and sentences. It isn't necessary as everyone conversed in English. "How did it go?"

I look at his ghostly form, the white wings and disoriented face. That was every Skiel's form. We all did not look the same, but we have striking resemblances. The only differences are hair and eyes. I have short black hair and brown eyes, whereas grandfather has grey hair with streaks of white and grey eyes. No two Skiels have the same hair and eyes.

"She was surprised, but she has more tasks for me." I put my weapon down and sit beside him.

He smiles. "That is the Zima I know. She always likes challenging Skiels."

I nod. "You did not have to stay awake."

"I know, is traditional." He gets up and places his weapons in the corner. "Let's rest."

I nod and walk over to our clouds. I am exhausted and the fact that the Zima wants me to kill more evil humans is overwhelming, but I have to listen. She has always been in my life. It is only fair I do what she says. She is quite literally the sun in my life, not close, but just there. Helping me, one way or the other. I just wish I could repay everything.

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