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Lord Drex's pov

'what has my love been up to this Past few weeks?' I asked Max my most trusted tracker, I've had him track Brihanna since the time of her birth and just like I expected, she grew up to be as beautiful as I thought, I wanted her and I always get what I want.

'My lord, the lady...' hesitation, he hesitated which means something was wrong.

'the lady moved out of her house.'

'what do you mean by that? Who would she stay with if not her parents? Where did she move to?' I snarled at him, smirking slightly when he flinched.

'she left to stay with her mate?' he was trembling in fear and I loved it, I lived in it, his fear and loyalty Was The only thing that kept me from ripping his heart out.

'when did this happen?'

'A... About tw... Two months ago.' he shuttered nervously.

'and I was not informed because?'

'My... My lord, you said I should only report to you once every three months under any circumstances, am sorry my lord.'

I stared at him with anger radiating from my body, I felt my eyes change to bright red and my fangs elongating from my gums.

'Please my lord, kill me, for I don't deserve to live after making such a stupid mistake!'
He fell on his knees and pled for his death.

'Who is he?' my curiosity got the better of me, as I wanted to find out who dared to seek out what belong to me.

'Alpha Adian of the blood moon park.' he answered quickly .

'did he claim her yet?' just the thought of someone else claiming her was enough to make my blood boil, I wanted her Stainless, it was not necessary for the ritual but I still wanted her untouched, I knew that she had never even been kissed before and I wanted to be the person to do the honors, the first and the last, I would make sure that before and after me, there would be no one else.

'did he touch her? Or mark her?'

'No my lord, not to my knowledge he doesn't even look at her... I think he hates her.'

'well that's good then, it would be easier to to take her from him.'

'I don't think so my lord, he surrounded the park and park house with very well trained, and he almost never allows her out of the park house.'

'very well Max, go back to your assignment and bring her here to me at the slightest opportunity, make sure that no harm comes to her not a bruise or a paper cut.'

'yes my lord.'

'you may leave.'

I felt my groin twitch and tighten in anticipation and my fangs itching in expectation of me sinking into Her skin and taking her sweet sweet blood for my stasifaction.

no one could keep me away from her, not even her mate, no matter how brutal he is, he's nothing compared to me, moreover, I don't mind a little competition and if what I just heard is true, then he just. Made the job much more easier for me, putting him at a disadvantage.


Brihanna's pov

'Bree! Come on let's go already.' Charlotte yelled at me, I was allowed to go out today after pleading with Adian for what seemed like hours he finally permitted me to go out for only two hours, well we could always make the best out of two hours.

'I was wearing a skinny Blue Jean pants that went all the way to my tummy and being a fan of crop tops I wore a black one with spaghetti straps, I choose to wear my boot heels and I finished with a gold chain that wraps three times around my neck.

'Where are we going today?' I asked Josh who was driving the car, it has been a week since he told me about his feelings for me and there have never been any awkward situation or discussions.

'into town.' he drove away from the park house.'

'Good, it's been a while since I saw humans and since I went to the mall.' I told Charlotte.

'yeah we'll go to the mall, drive around for a while, eat out if we have time, we'll see a shot movie then go back to the park.'

'sounds like a good plan.' I said to her.

            We went to the mall first Charlotte and I agreed to meet Josh by the car in thirty minutes.

             I bought a red skirt with white polka dots and three pairs of jean shorts then I two big shirts one had Spongebob and Patrick drawn on the front while the other was just plain black.

           Charlotte only bought two black scarfs and a matching skirt like mine.

            We met Josh after then we went to the park, rode the Ferris wheel which is mine and Charlotte's favorite ride I the park, we also bought ice cream and ate cotton candy.

                 We went to the theater to see a movie then we finally went for a ride around town, we were having so much fun that we lost track of time and by the time we got back to the park, we were already six hours late.

                'I am a totally gonna die today.-I quickly pulled my shopping bags out of the car.- we were supposed to be out for two hours not eight.'  I ran my fingers through my hair as I thought of what to do.

                 'maybe we should go straight to my room and lock the door so you should spend the night with me.' Charlotte suggested.

              'or you could just go into your room and go straight to bed, I don't think he'll wake you up.' Josh said.

            'yeah I think I'll do that but after today Adian would not let me out of the house for the rest of my life.'

      'Good night guys.' Josh said as he hugged Charlotte and I before he got in his car and drove off.

          We quickly got inside and I rushed into my room, I noticed that there was no light coming from underneath Adian's door which means that he is either asleep or not in his room, either way,  it's good for me.

           I quickly took a shower, put on the big shirt I wore to sleep, crawled into bed when someone knocked on my door.

             'Luna, the Alpha said to call you to his office.'

    Oops! Busted.



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