#21 The Haunted Ambulance

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My partner and I were working in a rural community at 3 a.m, and it was pitch-dark and completely quiet. We were both dozing; I was in the driver's seat, she was in the passenger seat. I woke up to a muffled voice, and I thought my partner was talking.

I told her I was trying to sleep and closed my eyes. I distinctly heard a male voice say, 'Oh my God, am I dying?' followed by a few seconds of heavy breathing. My partner and I sat up straight and looked back into the patient compartment, where it sounded like the voice had come from.

While it was quiet for a moment after that, they heard the hiss of an oxygen tank, as though it was leaking. The two jumped out, frightened that someone had climbed in the back, but no one was in there. And the oxygen tanks were closed.

Needless to say, they didn't get much rest after that.

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