#52 Stalker Demon

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So, normally I have a-okay nights, and I used to not be so terrified of the dark... Haha until it started. So, I don't normally have weird dreams or anything but this one was way out of wack, and it wasn't just the dream. In my dream this monster, that looked like well... The grim reaper himself, was in my room, and he claimed his name was "Fear" and he continued to tell me EVERY FAULT AND MISTAKE I'VE MADE THROUGHOUT MY ENTIRE LIFE (only 15 or so years) well, I really didn't think anything of it. Until at night I felt this presence, constantly in my room. It practically followed me everywhere. And I started thinking I saw things out of the corners of my eyes. (slowly figured "hey, must be going insane now") yeah got worse, at night in the corner of my room is a closet, I always close it at night, and I have a fish tank and I turn the light off just before I go to bed. Well, one night I went to bed and normally I sleep pretty deeply. I mean, I've slept through a lawnmower that drove past and stopped next to me. I was sleeping on my back like I normally do, and I felt this pressure on top of me. And I couldn't move, I was half awake too, but I was far too afraid to even open my eyes, but this pressure just laid on top of me, I was too petrified to do anything. It eventually went away, and I jolted out of bed and turned on my fish light, I didn't see anything and it scared me even more. I just sort of stayed up for a bit and fell asleep watching tv and nothing happened.

The next night it happened again, and I was terrified, because it hurt me this time, I had been sleeping on my side, and this awful looking face just pushed itself into my minds eye and I wanted it to go away, I felt utterly surrounded in my bed, and hid under the covers, I eventually fell asleep, and suddenly I woke up with this terribly sharp pain in my side, I felt that same pressure and aprehension, this thing started crushing my ribs and I couldn't do anything. Afterwards, I started sleeping with my dog in my room, and eventually, I just stopped sleeping altogether. I couldn't go to bed and restfully sleep without that thing disturbing me to my wit's end.

The worst was Christmas morning, I had figured, it stopped when I wasn't alone, so I had stayed up all night and then woke up to have Christmas breakfast and open presents with my family, and afterward, I crawled into my mom's bed, and accidentally fell asleep. She was in the room, putting shoes on on the floor, and I was half asleep. Then I saw on my bed this monster, like a half-decayed zombie ragged disgusting thing crawling up to me on the bed, I felt it on top of me, and it started touching me. EVERYWHERE. I was so scared, and I started crying, and it wouldn't stop. It just laid on top of me and...yeah.

I stopped sleeping for a few weeks during December, and it went away, but everyone knows that when it gets better it's about to get A LOT WORSE. I was sitting on my bed, just sitting really, and this force pushed me down, and held me to my bed, I tried to scream but I couldn't get anything out of my mouth. This thing was inside of me, I could feel it, and it hurt... a lot...like...yeah. It pushed me all the way to the head of my bed and I felt it rock the bed, I started crying, and it clawed into my wrists leaving marks. After what felt like 3 or 4 minutes, it stopped, and I picked my phone up from the floor and it said it was 5:00 am. I just laid in my bed, for the rest of the night, just staring at the ceiling.

He still follows me and does that. I can't sleep in the dark anymore because he's there. This is the first time I've said anything about it. It gets worse every now and then because it talks to me too. It says my boyfriend is going to do the same thing, and he forces these images into my mind, making me think about it and have nightmares about my boyfriend doing that.

So, there's my story.

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