nineteen // party fights and surprise plans

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"GET OFF HER!" Daniel yelled. The guy didn't listen. Instead he wrapped his arm around me, tightly.

"Backk off man. I saw her firstt." The guy slurred. I cringed and tried to get out of his hold, but he just tightened his arm.

"Stop squirming." He growled.

"Daniel! He-" He smacked his hand over mouth again. I winced at the harder impact.

"I said stop!" He barked in my ear. I bit the inside of my cheeks and kept struggling.

"GET OFF BITCH!" Daniel yelled while running towards us. The guy pushed me into the wall and ran over to Daniel. I hit the wall hard and fell. I looked up and saw Daniel and the guy fighting. I rubbed my head and closed my eyes. When I reopened them, Daniel had the guy pinned under him and he was throwing punches. I forced myself up and limped to Daniel.

"Daniel! Stop!" I yelled. Daniel moved back without warning so I stumbled back.

"Ow!" I yelled and froze, grabbing my ankle. Daniel turned to me and his expression softened.

"Christi? Are you okay?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"Not really.. I hurt my ankle when he pushed me. I ran into that." I pointed to the heavy box.

"Ohh. C'mere. That's filled with tools so I get why it hurts. How did that even get there... Oh well, c'mon. I'll take you home." He held his arm out and helped me back into the house. I limped around with Daniel until we found the guys.

"Guys, Christi hurt her ankle. I'm taking her back home." Daniel told them. They looked at my ankle, which was kinda red from the hard impact. They nodded and said 'Hope you get better.' We left the house and I held my ankle the entire ride.


"Christi? That you?" I heard my brother say out loud.

"Yeah! Daniel's here too.." I said. He walked in and looked at us.

"Woah what happened?!" Justin exclaimed.

"I hit my leg against a tool box while we were outside." I explained. Justin nodded at me.

"Daniel, do me a favor? Go bring Christi upstairs to her room. I'll go get her an ice pack." Daniel nodded and helped me upstairs.

"Where's your room?" I pointed to the first door on the right and he helped me into my room. He sat me down on the bed and looked at my ankle.

"How bad does it hurt?" He asked.

"A lot."

"Okay.. Um Christi.. do you know who that guy was?"

"To be honest, I don't know. He claims he knows me from around school though."

"Yeah.. He's one of the jocks. Fucking bitch. Tried to hurt you." Daniel's fists clenched again. I put my hand over them.

"Shh calm down.." I whispered. "You already hurt him enough. He might get back at you and I don't wanna see you with the bloody nose and bruised cheeks."

Daniel chuckled. "It's funny how you're the one with the messed up ankle, yet you're scared about me getting hurt." I laughed at him. Then Justin walked in with a ice pack and two small towels.

"Here Christi. Bite down on this." He said, handing me one towel while Daniel wrapped the ice pack with the other.

"Why does she need that?" Daniel asked.

"You'll see." Justin said, taking the ice pack. "Ready?" I nodded and he put the ice pack on my ankle. I bit down hard on the towel and quietly screamed in pain.

"Christi?! Are you okay?" Daniel asked, worriedly. He grabbed Justin's arm and yanked his hand away from my arm.

"It's okay Daniel, it's normal. See Christi hurt her ankle really badly when she was little so now if some really cold comes in contact with it, she'll scream in pain." Justin explained. All of which is true. Daniel nodded and looked at me, sadly.

"C'mere." He held his arm out. I leaned in and buried my face in his chest.

"Okay Christi, Ima put the ice pack back on." He said. I nodded and bit down on the towel. He put the ice pack down and I hid my face in Daniel's chest even more. Daniel rubbed my hair while murmuring 'Shhh it's okay. It'll be over soon' in my ear. Soon the pain subsided a little and Justin told Daniel to keep the ice pack on my ankle.

"I'm gonna order some food for us. Daniel, keep that on her ankle for another 5 minutes and then you guys could come downstairs. Cool with that?" He asked. We nodded and he left.

"Daniel?" I said to him.

"Yeah?" I lifted my face and kissed him on the cheek. I wrapped one arm around him.

"Thank you." I whispered.


*Amanda's P.O.V*

"Aye Amanda!" I heard John yell. I turned around and saw John walking towards me, with his arm around a bloody Jake limping next to him, towards me and the girls.

"You owe me more! You see what Danny did to me?!" He yelled, pointing to his face.

"Ugh fine. Here's $40 instead of $20. You did push Christi into the wall into the tool box though, right?" I asked, handing him two 20's.

"Yeah, but that got me a bloody nose and bruised cheek." He annoyingly said. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. You'll get better. Now go." I shooed him away. He grumbled something before leaving to go to his friend.

"Plans going well so far," I smiled at Tiffany and Rachel, "Even though she won't be our friend for the first part of the plan. That's just a setback. This is a little revenge for saying no. She won't know about." I smirked.

That'll teach that slut from taking Daniel from me. I will get Daniel back from her, no matter what will happen.


Ooh. Dayyum. Gonna keep this short and simple because I need to sleep now. Gotta wake up early tomorrow. Not edited, editing tomorrow.

QOTC: Favorite Disney Movie?
Next Chapter Preview: Movie time with Daniel, Christi, Justin, and maybe Arianna. Plus more!
Quote of the Chapter: "I want to be in your arms, where you hold me tight and never let me go."

Sorry for any mistakes! Don't forget to vote and comment!


- Janelle is gonna sleep now ^o^

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