four // lunch dates

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This is it. It's finally lunch. Time to meet Daniel. I walked in quad around looking for him. I could some people looking at me weird. Oh well, forget them Christi. Okay so I need to stay out of sight from Justin and Arianna. 

"Hey Christi!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and saw Daniel. He was sitting with the people I saw earlier, along with a two other guys. Daniel was motioning for me to come over there. I'm already regretting this. I started walking towards them. I came up to their table and Daniel made room for me to sit next to him.

"Guys,this is Christi." he told them. There were six guys, including Daniel, at the table. Some of them had tattoos, but none of them had piercings. They all sorta stared at me until one of them spoke up.

"Hey Christi. I'm James. That's Josh, Connor, Alex, and Kale." he said, motioning to each of the guys. All these guys had something in common though. They were all hot.

"Hi.. Um Daniel.. I'm just gonna get something to eat first, then I'll come back. Okay?" I asked Daniel. I was starving. I should've had more breakfast.

"Sure but don't try anything, and don't talk to any guys. Got it?" He said. I nodded and went to get food.

*Daniel's P.O.V*

"She's hot." was the first thing Alex said when Christi left. They all agreed. I glared and smacked Alex upside the head, causing him to yelp in response.

"Yeah, but she's mine." I growled at them. I saw her first. She's mine and only mine.

"Dude relax. Remember, we're just messin' with her." Connor said. Right, just messing with her. Just gonna get close to her and break her. That's the plan. My friends and I always do this. Why? I don't really know. We just starting doing it and now, it's our favorite thing to do. But there's something about Christi that makes me feel like different..

"Hey invite Christi to my party!" Josh yelled, interrupting me from my thoughts.  The rest of the guys agreed, telling me it'll be perfect to bring her. 

"You REALLY think she'll go? She just moved here from New York and you expect her to go to a party right away?" I told him. 

"I dunno man. She might." Kale said. Yeah right, they don't know her. I saw Christi walking back this way with no food? And why was her hair a mess now?

" what happened?" I asked her when she sat down.

"Those girls happened." She looked pissed and pointed at a group of girls. I turned around and saw them. Tiffany, Rachel, and Amanda. Those three girls were the "popular girls." The leader was Amanda. She was also my ex-girlfriend that desperately tries to get back with me. I guess she saw me with Christi. They were laughing, probably at what they did to Christi. Unfortunately Amanda saw me looking. She tried to pull a flirty smile, but she just looked hurt. Why did I ever date her. I turned back around without doing anything. 

"Ohh Amanda, Tiffany, and Rachel. They're the popular girls. Amanda probably got jealous 'cus you're with Danny." Kale explained to Christi. She just rolled her eyes. 

"Ugh. They tripped me and my food fell on the ground. I'm glad I didn't fall though." Christi told us. Classic Amanda. She was the jealous type. 

"Just forget them." I reassured her. She smiled at me. Her smile was different than the other girls I've been with. It wasn't flirty or fake. It was a genuine smile. I smiled back and we listened to James and Kale talk about what happened last week at a party they crashed. During the whole conversation, I was thinking about Christi. She was different from those girls I'd mess with in the past. 

"Aye Danny!" Connor yelled.

"Huh yeah?" I said. 

"Bro you keep spacing out. Lunch is over." Alex said. I looked around. He was right. Practically half the school already left. I got up with Christi. 

"C'mon. I'll take you to your next class." I told her. She just nodded her head and we left. I put my arm around her shoulder. She tried to pull it off, but my grip just got tighter. 

"I suggest you not do that." I whispered into her ear. She stopped struggling and just went with it. As we walked the hallways, I could see girls giving her dirty looks. Couldn't blame them though. I did, however, see some guys staring at Christi. I glared at the guys and they immediately stopped staring. Good. We finally reached the gym.

"Hey, meet me after school in the quad. I wanna take you out." I told her. 

"We'll see Danny. See you later." She winked and then walked into the gym. 

She winked at me. I never thought she would ever to that to me. Especially since we only met today. Hmm Christine Matthews, I'm glad I met you.


Okay Chapter 4! Sorry late update! My laptop wasn't working right all weekend. It wouldn't connect to the internet -.- So it was useless for two days! Okay moving on from my struggles. New characters in this chapter! So you've met James, Josh, Connor, Alex, and Kale. Plus Amanda, Tiffany, and Rachel. I already have people in mind for who will play the boys, and I have some ideas for the girls. Sorry for any mistakes! Don't forget to vote and comment! Kay gonna go watch some horror movies now! (Carrie and The Purge are the first.) 


- Jayy ♥

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