twenty-seven // sneak-outs and lies

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After about an hour, we had everything explained and situated. Daniel was still overprotective at times, but tried to not take complete control over me. He's starting to put more trust in me, which is good.

Chase, Andrea, Justin, and Arianna went out to see a movie, and Justin, being Justin, told us exactly what to do and what not to do. *sigh* The over-protectiveness is real. 

Right now, all 8 of us were seated in my living room, thinking of what to do. Me, being the only girl, didn't know what to suggest considering they're all boys. I fell back against the couch and sighed loudly. I heard chuckling and turned to see Hunter smiling at me.

"What?" I said.

"Bored?" He smiled. I rolled my eyes and pushed him in the shoulder. Then I got an idea.

"Hunter!" I said loudly. Hunter turned to me, raising up an eyebrow. "Get your skateboard, let's go to skate down the street." Hunter smirked at me before getting up.

"Ahem." I heard a voice call out. I turned and saw  6 faces staring at me. "Forget something? Or should I say some people?" Daniel said. 

"Of course not. I just didn't think you'd guys be up for it." I shrugged.

"Us? What about you? I never took you for the skater type of girl." Kale said. I rolled my eyes upon hearing this. Of course they didn't. No one pictures me as the skater type girl. 

"Typical." I say. "So you guys wanna skate with us or not? I got extra boards." I asked. They exchanged looks before nodding and getting up. I walked into the garage and showed them where the extra boards were. Basic explanation why we have a lot of skateboards/penny boards: We loved to skate so we asked for boards as presents for birthdays/Christmas. Both me and my siblings loved to skate so we have a lot. 

"You guys can just choose anyone of these." I said while lacing up my Vans. They all grabbed a board and we went to meet up with Hunter.

I walked up to Hunter. "You cool with them skating with us, right?" 

"Duh. What, did you think we were gonna leave them alone in your house?" He smiled. I gave Hunter a smile back. This is why I loved Hunter. He can be so sweet, but if you mess with someone/something he loves, he can hurt you. Depends on the love for the person/thing. 

Hunter and I got on our boards easily and skated up and down our street, while some of the others had problems.

"Wait, do you guys even know how to skate?" 

"Yeah Christi." They replied, but based on how they were skating, they didn't. Sure they can get on their board and skate, but it would only be a matter of time until they fall. While causes me to:

A) Rush over and help them up.
B) Laugh my ass off or
C) Both.

We stayed outside skating and laughing for about an hour, until I got a text from Justin.

From: Justinnn :P
Hey, we're on our way home. We bringing back food! XD

My eyes widened and I looked at the guys.

"Shit! Guys, we gotta get back inside!" I yelled to them.

"Why?" James said.

"'Cus Justin told us to not go outside, but we did. They're on their way. He'll kill us, me specifically!" I yelled once more. Their eyes widened and we rushed back inside, putting the boards back and sitting on the couch. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips and some cans of soda. I brought them into the living room and turned on the TV. I went to our DVDs and grabbed the first movie I saw. I popped it in the DVD player and fast-forwarded to about an hour into the movie.

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