twenty-three // important questions

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"Wait.. what?" Daniel said in disbelief. "You've never had your first kiss?" 

I looked down and slowly nodded. I could feel heat rising to my cheek and I buried my face in my hands. I felt Daniel wrap his hands around my wrists and pull my hands away.

"Hey.. hey. Don't be embarrassed. It's cool that you haven't had your first kiss yet." He reassured me.

"But it is embarrassing at times. Do you know how many people back in New York used to mess with me because I never had my first kiss? It just irritates me sometimes.. Sometimes I just want to get it over with and have someone kiss me already but.. I just want my first kiss to be special. I don't want it to be like wasted on someone who doesn't really like me. I wanna have my first kiss with someone special.. Sorry I'm rambling, I'll shut up now." I said, giving a small laugh at the end. Daniel just stared at me then gave a smile.

"I know, I sound so cliché right now. Especially on a date." I said laughing. 

"No, it's kind of cute actually." Daniel smiled. I smiled back and he laced his fingers with mine.

Hunter brought us of food a few minutes later and we ate our lunch. After eating, Daniel and I walked around aimlessly for a while until we got bored. We walked back to the car and sat inside. Suddenly, Daniel removed his shoes and socks and rolled up his pants. He got out of the car and walked towards my side. He opened my door and looked me in the eye.

"What?" I said, confused.

"Do the exact same thing I did. Take off your shoes and socks and roll your pants up a little."


"Cus we're going for a walk on the beach. Now c'mon. Hurry up." He chuckled. I did what he said and got out of the car. He shut my door and locked his car. We walked toward the beach and I stepped in the sand. Daniel grabbed my hand and we walked around the beach, heading toward the water.

"Let's walk by the water." I nodded and walked by Daniel's side. I felt the wet sand and smiled. I haven't been to a beach in forever. Daniel stopped and looked at me.

"Want a piggy-back ride?" He smirked. 

"Yes!" I smiled. He turned around and I jumped on his back. I find it extremely cute if a guy asks you if you want a piggy-back ride. Shush don't judge me. The waves were splashed at our feet, well Daniel's feet, and we walked along the beach until I checked my phone for the clock. 5:38. Daniel looked behind his shoulder and I showed him the time.

"C'mon, let's go now. Time to go to the last surprise of the day." He smiled. "Oh yeah.." He said. I looked at him questioningly.


"Hold on tight." He whispered. I was about to question him when he started running.

"Daniel!" I screamed. I held tight, scared that he was gonna drop me. He kept running until he reached the car. He put me down and opened the door for me. I sat inside and he went to his side. The second he shut his door, I slapped him on the arm.

"What was that for?" He said, laughing a little.

"You nearly dropped me running!"

"I told you to hold on tight." He laughed. I shook my head at him.

"Just shut up and drive."


"And here we are!" Daniel said, sitting down. We walked to the last place, which was this nearby park near the beach. Daniel held my hand and explained that we were going to the top of this hill because this park has hills for hiking and trail walks. We walked up a hill for the majority of the time when I started getting tired and got another piggy-back ride. We finally reached the top and it gave us a great view of the beach.

"Why here?"

"Cus we're gonna watch the sunset while eating this picnic." He said, grinning and pointing to the picnic.

"Aw cute." I smiled.

We sat down and ate. After walking around for a long time, I'm so tired and hungry. Daniel was too, considering he was eating like Connor. Which is a lot of eating. I removed my shoes and placed them next to me. Daniel and I just sat there for a while, talking about today when the sun started to set. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of that, smiling at how amazing the sunset looked from our angle. I felt Daniel wrap his arm around me and pull me close to him. I wrapped my arm around his waist too and we watched the sunset. Daniel pulled me closer and kissed my cheek. 

"Christi." Daniel said, breaking the silence.


"You're really pretty, ya know that right?"

I blushed and hit his chest.

"You're so cliché some times." I laughed.

"So are you." He laughed with me. 

We stayed there, watching the way the light of the sun hit the waves of the beach. We sat in silence until I felt Daniel poke my cheek. 

"Stop." I whined, laughing. He kept poking my cheek until I pushed him down.

"Oh no you didn't." He threatened and got up. I got up too and started to run away from him. 

"Got you!" He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. I laughed as he spun me around. Daniel put me back down and spun me around to face him. We stared at each other, the only thing heard is our breathing from running around.

"Christi.." He whispered. 

As we stared, I felt something I haven't felt in a while. I felt butterflies in my stomach, my heart racing. Daniel put his hand on my cheek and smiled at me. Then he whispered something that made my heart stop.

"Be my girlfriend." 


Sorry for the late update guys! I didn't update yesterday because I went to a dance at my school. And cliffhanger! Sorry guys, I had to! DTBB is almost to 2K reads! Omg! I love you all so much!

QOTC: If you could bring only one person to a deserted island, who would you bring?
Next Chapter Preview: Secret, again xD
Quote of the Chapter: "My day isn't complete until I see you smile."

Sorry for any mistakes! Don't forget to vote and comment!


- Jay ♥

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