Chapter 7 - Jealous much?

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I arrived at the principles office got my timetable and my dorm keys, before I left I got told that my stuff are already there and that I won't have a dorm mate 'well that sucks' I thought atleast I have Jellal here so I won't be alone at school its funny because he doesn't know yet...
*time skip*
Its my first day at school today I jumped into shower then blowdry my hair, then brushed my teeth put the uniform on and had some breakfast. The lessons started at 2.45 so I made my way to school the first thing in the morning was registration class, Mr. Macrove made sure that me and Jellal are in the same class. I was in the room 340A and I had Mr.Macrove escort me there so I wouldn't get lost. I walked into the classroom and suddenly all eyes where on me, the teacher told me to sit next to Mira I spotted no Jellal or anyboys so I was exited to see their reaction when they finally get it comes.

Natsu's pov:

After our morning routine me and my boys  made our way to class thank god we where all in the same class.
We opened the door and as usual all girls couldn't help but stare and that's when we saw her. Lucy. My heart skipped a bit. But what Jellal did was truly hilerious. Jellal almost ruined up to her started hugging her and nearly started to cry. As soon as he walked throw the door he almost screamed  'LuLu what ya doing here!' he yelled and started to hug her tight and she said 'Jellal your crushing me I can't breath' everyone in the classroom lathed and with that Jellal let go and started to smile like an idiot 'sorry LuLu I'm just so happy to see ya' 'well I can't say the same about you blueberry'  she teased 'Blueberry?' we asked 'Lucy how many times did I tell you not to call me that' he started to complain 'can't help that you look like one ' she teased again and smiled 'suddenly the bell rang and I had maths with Lucy and Mira unfortunately for me Lucy walked to class with a group of girls. I had to walk to class with Lisanna (for some reason her name sounds like *food* to me anybody else? no? okay.) man this girl just can't take a hint, I had no chance with any girl because she scares then away , when we got to class I saw that I have no chance of seating nowhere near Lucy because she was surrounded by girls.

Lucy's pov:

When Jellal started hugging me most of the girls gave me a death stares and I found it funny as they probably didn't know I'm his sister, the bell rang and most of the girls wanted to walk with me to class so I agreed, from the corner of my eye I could see that Natsu had a problem with getting rid of a white haired girls that just couldn't take a hint, it was written all over his face that he is not interested
*time skip to break*

I walked out from class and saw my brother in circle of girls I walked right in the middle of it ignoring all of them and said 'Jellal, I was looking all over for you' before he could answer I heard someone say 'excuse me blonde but we where here first so go find yourself another guy' said with a sassy look and a smirk a girl with short brown hair , I then turned around and said 'oh how rude of me I didn't introduce myself , my name is Lucy Heartfilia, Jellals younger sister' I said with satisfaction, and watched their faces turn red I then said 'now then if you excuse me I got something to do ' bye sissy said Jellal,  as I was walking looking for Natsu a white paired girl that always followed Natsu around crossed my way.
'Listen blonde,  Natsu is mine and nobody else's got it , don't touch him talk to him or go near him...' in the corner of my eye I spotted Natsu watching us with a worried face there's my chance '....because if you do then ...' I had enoth of her talking I walked up to Natsu without a care in the world ignoring Laxus and Gajeel that where standing beside Natsu I pulled him thowatds me with his tie and kissed him then I pulled myself back pushed him away  turned around looked at Lisanna and said 'girl you talk too much, and you should know one thing before you start throwing empty threats to me, if you tell me that I can't do something you have 100% guarantee that I will go and do it.' and with that turned around and started walking  away thowatds my next class two more lessons and lunch.

Natsu's pov

I was walking with Laxus and Gajeel trying to find Gray and that's when we saw Lassana talking or more like yelling at Lucy, suddenly Lucy started smirking, oh no she's planning something I thought, before Lisanna could even finish her sentence Lucy turned around and with a smirk on her face walked up to me and before I knew it she was kissing me , she then pulled away and tuned around walking back to Lisanna,  me and boys where shocked and couldn't believe what we just saw happened. Lucy kissed me. She freaking KISSED ME!I'm so freaking dead. The bell rang I had English luckily Lucy was in this class too I sat on the seat behind her and white a note passed a not to her (N- Natsu L-Lucy)
N- do you have free next?
L- yes why?
N-Great me too
L-lucky me *rolling my eyes*
N-we need to talk
L- about what?
N-you will see, make sure to wait for me after class
N- just do it okay?
L-fine whatever
*time skip to the end of the lesson*
Lucy waits for Natsu as she promised to do.
L-so what you want to talk about ?
N- not here
L- fine lets go to my dorm I don't have dorm mates so its empty and besides Jellal doesn't know where is it.
N- lead the way
Natsu and Lucy made the way to Lucy's dorm in silence, once they got there Lucy placed her keys on a table and sat on a sofa, next to Natsu.
L- so...are you gonna talk or what?
N-yeah sorry, I wanted to talk to you about what happened on break today.
L- oh you mean when I kissed you to prove my point ?
N- yeah that, I hope she will leave me alone now Thank you by the way
L-no problem
N- but I can't help but wonder why did you help me
L- for two main reasons, one that girl was irritating me and started threatening me so I wanted to teach her a lesson and two, mm well you had not interested written all over your face.
N- that's true i couldn't get rid of her for four years now
L- hopefully she will get the message now
We never realised that we where leaning in to kiss until our lips where inches apart, Natsu pulled away quickly and blushed.
N- sorry my that's my fault I just can't help it when I'm with you
L- its okay,  and don't worry Jellal won't do anything to you, he will probably think that I tried to seduce you or something
N- *smile's*  I think its too late for taht.
L- too late for what  ?
N- trying to seduce me..._he smirked_...I know we agreed to forget about it but...its not that easy to be honest.
L- I didn't forget.... But you know we can't because that's like letting them win.
N- yes I know but I need you know just in case.
L- w-what is it Natsu
N- I liked you ever since I laid me eyes on you on the plane, when I saw you on that party i was happy , your a girl from my dreams Lucy when we spent that night together I could cry from happiness I though you where mine to keep, but then I woke up in the morning and found your not there I was sad and then you appeared on he ball and made my heart melt with a single smile , I fallen for you Lucy
L- oh ...

Oh this is it im afraid but do not worry because soon I will update a new episode.... What do you think about the story so far? Will Natsu get his heart shayere or was it just an ilusion find out in the next chapter. Byeee x

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