Chapter 9 - Master says

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Heyyy guys I'm back with another chapter of Trouble cute💕 and in this chapter we are playing Master says if your not familiar in what is it then well then read Master says rules and if you know the rules then just skip it and go to the story😼 .
Master says rules:
On the lolypop sticks write number (depends howmany people are playing) for example if there is 10 players you write numbers from 1 to 9 as because the 10th stick will have the letter M on it (M = master)
Then you put the sticks to a cup numbers down so that no one will see the order of sticks , each player pulls out a stick who ever has the letter M is the master and coves out his order to the remaining numbers e.g. 5 has to lick numbers 7 toe (yes this will be one of the orders🙊)
The orders given by the master are  unquestionable. Then the process repeats on and on.😂😁

... Story ...

Nobobys pov

The group of friends have started their game of master says in the first round the master was Lucy
Lu- yay in the master now ..... Number 6 has to kiss on the lips for at least one minute number 1 - she smiled, It was Jellal who had to kiss Laxus everyone busted out lathing.

Natsus pov

We play the first round of master says and it started with a blast thank god I wasn't any of these numbers.
When the minute has gone past it was time for a next round and this time the master was
Wait me?! I knew that Lucy had number six so I said
N- Number six needs to kiss the master number eight has to lick number fives toe - (Number 6 - Lucy number 5- Gajeel,  number 8 - Erza )
'Eeew' Erza yelled when Gajeel liked her. I looked over to lucy giving her its-your-turn look she rolled her eyes walked up to me and kissed me and quickly pulled away leaving me wanting more. She's off limits I told myself again and again,  after few more turns there where more kisses, people got naked and some of them covered in wiped cream. We then decided to play truth or dare with a twist because we used a bottle to point out the people ask.

Nobadys pov:

Erza was the first one to spin and it landed on Lucy ' ah Lucy truth or dare?' she asked without thinking Lucy said 'dare!'
E- hmm lets see oh I know I dare you to spend the rest of the week with Natsu and I mean including sleeping and eating.
Lu- ugh fine. - she rolls her eyes and spins the bottle that landed on Jellal - Jellal truth or dare?
J- truth
Lu- what do you think of Erza and I don't mean the friendly way
J - I think she's really pretty - he goes red and spins the bottle and it lands on Natsu - truth or dare?
N- truth
J - when did you meet my sister?
N- oh thats easy men I met her on a plane to Greece,  but I had no idea she was your sister. - spins a bottle and it lands at Erza- truth or dare?
N - I dare you to spend a night with Jellal in his dorm - Erza went pail but still agreed however she before she spines the bottle she looked over to Lucy and asked her to speak in private.
E- hey Lucy can I speak with you for a moment
L yeah sure -they walked away to Lucy's bedroom - ways up ?
E- u see ... There is this tubing I need to tell you about ....
Lu- you like my brother and want to ask me if its okay with me ? Right?
E- yeah .... But you see if its okay with you to ... You know start dating again without leaving my date with broken heart.
Lu- its okay don't worry about it, its cool really I hope it works out between you and my brother - said with sadness and holding her tears back
E- im gonna go back - she walks out the room
J- where is Lucy ? You didn't tell her didn't you ?
E - I had to im sorry but I couldn't just lye to her , she's in shock but she will be okay
Laxus-  erm guys I think we will be going now so yeah see ya letter - the group of friends left the dorm and others who shared the dorm left to their bedrooms leaving Natsu, Erza and Jellal alone
J - I think I should go talk to her..
E- I don't think thats a good idea I think Natsu should go to her I mean they are friends and she has to spend the rest of the week with him so..
J -yeah your probably right she most likely to hate my guts right now..
N- im really confused here now what are you guys talking about ?
J- Erza was my girlfriend for the past 3 months now, I didn't know that was Lucy's close friend...
N- so your saying that if me and Lucy had something doing on before I knew she was you sister and that your MY close friend that would be okay ?
J- no ofcourse not , I told you what will happen to you if you try anything with my sister. 
N- you don't understand this is exactly what you are doing you told Lucy she's not allowed to date your friends meanwhile you are dating her friends. Do you get it now?
J- oh my god. Your right im such an idiot.
E- Natsu could you please go and try to talk to her please ?
N- yes,  I mean i have to sleep with her for the next cupple of days. -Natsu made his way upstairs up to Lucy's bedroom knocked on the door and walked in .
L- go away I don't wanna talk.
N- well thats too bad because your stuck with me for the rest of the week remember?
L- oh its you i thought it was Jellal.
N - hey Lu don't be mad at them you can't help who you fall for. I mean they didn't tell that they where dating for 3 months but still - she turned around
L- did you just say that they where dating for 3 months?
N- yes ? Didn't they tell you ?
L- no
N- oh but anyway don't go too hard on them remember that you did exactly the same thing.
L- your right but its just a big shock thats all.
Lucy walked up to Natsu and hugged him, Natsu was supprused at first but hugged her back, right then the door opened and Natsu saw Jellal looking like his about to kill someone, but then he calmed down and gave him is- she-okay look, Natsu responded by lightly shutting his eyes and lightly  shaking his head in a Singh of 'yes' Jellal then quietly left the room.
L- Natsu can you get me some water ? - said without letting go of him
N- sure. - she slowly let him go and Natsu walked out the room.

*with Jellal and Erza *
After what he just saw he left the room confused he walked down to Erza.
E- so is she okay ?
J- I guess since she's throwing herself on Natsu, I bet she wants to ...- he got cut of by Erza .
E- Jellal stop right here your sister is not like that okay ? In fact she's kindhearted and one of the nicest people I ever meet.
J- you probably didn't meet her true side then.
*they hear door closing , turn around and see Natsu with a big smile.*
J- Natsu I need to ask you something.
N- no im not completing the dare.
E- why?
N- Because Lucy is Jellals sister and im not planning on beginig close friends with her and you Jellal know exactly why!
J- I understand but thats not what I wanted to ask, I need you to tell me what happened before the ball.
N- Jellal ... Your my friend but it has nothing to do with you and I promised not to tell anyone.
E- let it go Jellal you will find out sooner or later.
Natsu grabbed a small bottle of water and walked back to Lucy's room he opened the door and found Lucy sleeping.
N- oh dear, *kissed forehead*  sleep well princess. Then he turned around and as he reached the door he heard Lucy talking in sleep. ' Daddy? Whereas Jellal? ' No' 'no ' why did he just leave me alone ' Natsu felt sorry for her and decided to talk to Jellal about what he just heard he left the room. Natsu walked downstairs and found Erza and Jellal looking at him confused.
E- your back . why?
N- I told you we ain't doing the dare.
E- yeah but you went back to her and one minute later your back, I mean what happened?
N- well Lucy is asleep and while we are on that Jellal I need to ask you something.
J- what is it ?
N- did your father send you away somewhere before Lucy got send away to the girls school?
J- well yeah before 2 months before my mum died , I came back one day before the funeral. But how did you know?
N- Lucy was sleepwalking when I brought her water.
E- was she saying something like 'get away from me' 'or please stop'?
N- no she was looking for Jellal she said 'daddy whereas Jellal' and something about him leaving her. Why ?
J- was she talking in her sleep before ?
E- she always do , sometimes she crys , other times screams and sometimes just talk.
N- hmm thats weird she never di...- he automatically went silence as he realised he said too much ... And quickly made his way to the door.
J- hey get back here, and explain yourself.
N- sorry but I already said too much - and with that he left. Jellal decided to stay overnight with Erza and try talking to Lucy in the morning.

To be continued.....
Hey guys Potato, Tomato, Byeee😁x

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