Tsurugi's Fatherhood - The Prom Night

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"So... do you like soccer?" Tsurugi asked the boy who's going to take his daughter to the prom.

"No, not really,"


"I love the sport, sir,"

"I see. What is your rank in the over-all school results?"

"Tenth place, sir,"

"What do your parents work as?"

"My father is a coach and my mother is a manager of a company, sir,"

"Do you smoke?"

"No sir,"

"Are you on drugs?"

"No, sir,"

"How's life?" Tsurugi was smirking, something he was itching to do since he stopped doing that.

The boy was getting impatient and uncomfortable. He wanted to get to the prom as soon as possible. Or... something else.

"What's the catch?!" the boy almost yelled.

Tsurugi raised a brow.

"Let's discuss the rules. 11 pm is her limit. I expect her to be here by or before that time. I don't want to the two of you doing anything unappropriate,"

"Y-yes sir," the boy stuttered, seeing how the father is emitting a dark aura with an evil smile etched on his face.

"Hurt my daughter," Tsurugi kicked a soccer ball to his palms, "I'll shoot you. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir!"

"I'm here!" The young girl shouted out to get their attention.

The young man smiled at his partner. But, Tsurugi, who was a sadistic bastard and silent type ikemen in his middle school days, saw something else otherwise.

"Young man," he called out with a stern tone.

"Yes sir?"

"Are you a virgin?" 


"It's a valid question dear,"

The boy gulped.


"Dad! It's an inappropriate question!"

"Is it now?"

"S-sir... we're supposed to be going,"

"Are you sure?" Tsurugi could see that the boy is at his limit.

"F****** Bastard! I'm her partner for the promm for S***'s sake! I've hung out with a whole bunch of girls and had *** with them while it lasted and I'm going to do the same to your pathetic little princess!" the boy yelled then clamped his hand over his mouth.

"Dad?" the daughter called out.

"Yes dear?" Tsurugi asked the girl who's still in shock.

"Crush him," she ordered.

"Anything to make you happy,"

The boy froze in his spot while he watched his supposed-to-be partner's dad kick and balance the ball repeatedly with his leg.

"Well? You have ten seconds to escape," Tsurugi warned.

The boy ran out of the house screaming in an unmanly manner.

After hearing 3 explosions, the neighborhood was quiet.

"So, what now?" the daughter asked.

"You want to go out for ice-cream at the restaurant you've always wanted to go to?" Tsurugi asked.

"But, dad, the place is expensive and my dress,"

"Is perfect, dear. Don't worry about the expenses cause I've been waiting for this day,"

The daughter smiled. "Thanks dad,"

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