Mickey x Shy!Reader

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[Requested by @AlexandraHkansson ]

[(Y/N) POV]

When I was little I watched the same mouse everyday on my TV, he made me smile every time and made me laugh, which was unusual for me. I got nervous around most people, never really spoke unless it was necessary and I just kept myself to well myself. 

Now I lived alone in my apartment, I liked being by myself every time I was surrounded by people I would start to panic as I didn't really like being close to strangers and I definitely didn't like some random person talking to me. I slumped onto my couch and watched my usual boring things on Tv, I was slowly drifting off until I heard some similar music, which made me sit up instantly. I saw him again, that mouse, Mickey Mouse. I watched the Tv closely, I slowly got more excited as I read where their circus was heading next, then everything stopped...

They're here, on this very day, Mickey is in this town...

My excitement over flowed and I lost myself, he was my role model I had to meet him. I grabbed my jacket and left the apartment, this was it. I smiled brightly as I went down the street, dodging everyone I passed, even though I was fired up, I still carried on looking down making sure I didn't make any eye contact. I knew I was getting closer when I heard the circus ringing in my ears, soon enough I was at the entrance, ticket tightly in my hand. I went in, scanning the area for a seat, it was pretty quiet at the moment as I was a little early, so it wasn't hard to find a seat. I sat right at the front, able to see everything this was sure to be great.


It was now full, people basically towering over me, which of course made me begin to panic. I tried to act calm as the music began to quieten down and the drum roll started, I felt my heart beat quick as I put all my focus ahead of me and not to all the people around me. Suddenly the curtains opened and out came hundreds of blue baby bunnies singing, dancing and playing all kinds of instruments, then out came Mickey, smiling brightly like always. For the first time in ages, I smiled so much unable to frown. 

As the show went on I only got more excited, that's when I felt more and more strangers getting closer to me, since more and more were trying to squeeze in, I lost focus of the circus and looked around at everyone. Once again I started to panic much more then before, breathing heavily I tried to calm myself down by watching Mickey but I just couldn't I went to hide my face but I could hardly move since there was so many people around me, before I knew it everything went black. I deal with everyone noticing me. 


[Mickey POV]

The show was going great and as planned, that's when it was getting to the finale there was a loud thud in the audience which caught my attention, I looked around and noticed everyone surround a (F/A) who was laying on the ground, unconscious. I ran out back and got my big brother Oswald to help, he came back out with me and I led him to the girl. The baby bunnies were left to entertain everyone while we helped. Ozzy Picked up the (F/A) and took her out back, I followed close behind. 

Oswald laid her down on the couch and left, I stayed with the (F/A) making sure she was alright, luckily she was still breathing so I didn't have to freak out just yet. Then I remembered I to close the show, I looked back at her once more then ran out to join everyone and complete the finale. 

[(Y/N) POV]

I woke up quickly checking surrounding, letting out a sigh of relief that I was alone. Just I was unsure where I actually was. I sat on the couch for a while, thinking how I got there, that was until someone entered the room. I looked up instantly, it was him, it was Mickey. I jumped to my feet, he came in closer smiling slightly, 

"Are you alright Miss?"

I nodded and looked down again, ashamed that I probably ruined the show for him and everyone else. He carefully lifted my chin, smiling,

"Are you sure? Your awfully quiet."

I played with my hands, wanting to say something, I built up as much courage as I could,

"I'm sorry..."

He looked at my confused,

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I-I ruined the show..."

He shook his head a little and pulled me in for a hug,

"It's okay...it wasn't your fault, it just happens."

He sat me back down on the couch and sat beside me,

"Could you tell me why you fainted, if you know why that is?"

I blushed slightly, I didn't want to make a fool out of myself right in front of Mickey but he did ask, so I guess I can tell him...

"I don't like bug crowds, I get really worked up since I'm really well shy a-and I normally struggle to talk to people, but I guess your one of the only people I can actual talk to without freaking out."

The blush just grew on my cheeks, as I let out a small smile. Feeling confident enough to talk to Mickey. He just smiled warmly at me, wrapping his arm around me, comforting me.

"I'll be here for you, you know. We're here for a while, so I'll be here if you want to talk to me at all."

He carried on smiling, as I nodded hastily, hugging him tightly. 

"But...you won't make me talk to random people, right?"

"I don't want you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or under a lot of pressure..."

I looked up a him, as he looked down at me, it was silence for a while until Mickey spoke up,

"Actually I have an idea, how about you travel with us? You know, then I'll have you and you'll have me."

I thought about it for a moment, then happily agreed.

"Of course I'll go with you, it's always been my dream to meet you and staying with you will be even better!"

Once again my excitement got the best of me as Mickey chuckled a little,

"Oh, I never got your name by the way."

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)"

Mickey still had me in a tight embrace, for once I didn't feel insecure and nervous. I glanced over at him as he was still looking at me, I quickly pecked his cheek which made his face turn bright red,

"Thank you."

I turned to Mickey as he carried on looking at me, flustered and in shock. Soon enough Mickey's smile returned as he kissed me gently but passionately, now I was the one flustered and in shock,

"No need to thank me"

We both smiled at each other, as I snuggled up close to him. 

Who knew that my role model, would be the one I love...

[Sorry...I'm not good at writing >_< ]

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