Bendy x Emotionless!Reader

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[(Y/N) POV]

Another day, another day in this useless world, another day living this pathetic life.

I hardly slept, I don't see the point of it. I didn't even eat very much, I didn't enjoy any food I didn't like any of it. I only really liked water, let's put it in a simpler way, I was emotionless I didn't feel joy not even sadness, just nothing.

For once in what felt like an eternity, I went outside. I pulled up my hood, hoping not to get noticed and just stared down at the pavement. I walked kinda slow, never looking up and taking in my surroundings. I was trying to mind my own business, when the ground came towards my face.


Pain spread through my face and upper body, but showed no emotion to it, I just stayed where I was on the floor.

"Are you okay Miss?"

I felt myself being lifted off the ground of course I didn't question it, I didn't even try to move. I was turned around to see quite a young wolf holding me.

"O-Oh my, your face it's bleeding, that was a hard fall I'm so sorry."

I still didn't say anything, nor did I change how I looked at him, blankly.

"It's okay Miss, I can help. My first aid kit is in my rucksack back at the hotel room, that's if you don't mind me helping."

I just carried on staring up at him, letting my blood drip from my face. I assume he took that as a yes as he started walking towards a large hotel. He was still carrying me, into the reception and into the elevator, where he finally put me down. I just stood beside him silently, blood covering my face, fur and clothes. Not caring one bit about what was going to happen to me. On the way to the hotel the wolf introduced himself, he was called Boris and he has a brother called Bendy. Then he would ask me a bunch of questions but I would never answer.

Eventually the elevator stopped, Boris grabbed my hand and pulled me to the last door in the corridor. He slowly opened it, looking in.


I heard another voice in there but didn't take too much noticed. Just as I was about to zone out, I was yanked in a small room. Comfortable, but small. As blood was dripping over my eyes, my eyesight began to get blurry as I heard two guys speaking right in front of me, that's when I zoned out.

[Bendy POV]

I heard the room door open, Boris was back earlier then I expected. He went out to grab some food, I didn't think he'd be back so soon. I went over to him and noticed blood on his clothes, which made me panic.

"Boris?! Are you okay? What happened?"

He seemed so calm like he wasn't in pain. He just smiled slightly,

"Bendy, calm down. It's not my blood."

I was completely confused, who's blood could it of been? Boris was alone and now he's covered in someone else's blood. Boris quickly stepped out the room but it wasn't long till he came back, with a (F/A) with a large amount of blood dripping down from her face.

"B-Boris, you should of stopped that blood a while ago, she could of lost a large amount of blood which is not good, which can cause her to-"

I was cut off with a loud bang I looked back at the (F/A) who was now laying still on the floor,

"Pass out..."

I went over to her side and carefully picked her up, she wasn't very heavy at all, she was as light as feather. I laid her down on the bed, not looking away.

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