Felix x Bullied!Reader

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[Requested by @impa365 ]

[(Y/N) POV]

I was pinned against a tree, held up by my neck. I struggled to breathe, my eyesight become blurry from the lost breath. One after the other I was constantly punched and kicked, sure I was use to it but I still didn't understand why I was bullied and beaten up.

I was a nerd, I was different to every one else...

I began to feel numb, nothing seemed to hurt as much anymore that's when I hit the hard ground below me. The bullies laughter slowly became fainter, as I tried to push myself up, I was so weak, so beaten up. I couldn't even budge, as more blood left my body my eyes began to close, a figure was slowly coming towards me but I was unable to tell who. Everything went black...


I woke up, agony throughout my body. I tried to sit up and look around but whined in pain at every move. I managed to move my head slightly, checking myself up and down, I'd been taken care of. There was bandages and plasters covering me, as time went on the pain decrease a tiny bit, I pushed through the rest of the pain and sat myself up. I was now able to look around, it seemed like I was in a tent.

I was completely confused, no one ever has helped me before. A bit of light got into the tent making me squint a little as someone walked in. I glanced up at them as they looked down at me,

"Oh, your awake. Good thing too, I was afraid you were in a critical condition."

He was a black and white cat, nice looking fella. He had a warm smile on his face as he sat down beside me, food in his hands.

"Here, you better have this and I'm Felix, Felix the cat."

I smiled back at him and took the food from him.

"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) the (F/A)"

I ate as Felix checked me over again just to make sure I was alright, I wasn't losing blood anymore and I felt better since I had eaten.

"So, how did you end up in that situation?"

"I always end up like this, I'm always bullied and beaten up. It's just because I'm different...they all mock me for being a nerd..."

I wiped a tear away as the thoughts of the bullies came into my head, Felix wrapped one of his arms around me comfortingly,

"I can't believe they'd do such a thing to a beautiful girl like you"

I felt my cheeks heat up a little bit, blushing slightly.

"You know, I use to get bullied. Not as bad as you, but still bullied. Guess I was a bit like you cause now I write books. Heh"

"Really?! You write books, that's amazing!"

I heard him chuckle as my eyes sparkled with excitement.

[Felix POV]

She's so sweet, so precious, so...Beautiful.

"Hey how about you come on my adventures with me, maybe then you can help me with my book?"

After asking her, I could tell she couldn't keep the excitement in anymore and grabbed my hands,

"I'd love to! I've always wanted to write a book."

She pulled me into a tight hug, whispering 'thank you' to me over and over again. I still couldn't bare to know that (Y/N) is treated so badly, I have never been this mad about something before. I let out a growl under my breath as (Y/N) looked up at me,

"Felix? What's wrong?"

"I'll be right back."

I managed to grumble, as I stood up leaving the tent. I gotta find those idiots, how dare they ever hurt someone like (Y/N).

I walked through the forest until I saw a group of guys, all talking aloud. I stepped a little closer, I overheard them talking about (Y/N) and what they were gonna do to hurt, they're all gonna regret saying that. Mark my words...

I approached them,

"Hey! Idiots!"


[(Y/N) POV]

It was already starting to get dark and Felix said he'd been right back. I got a little impatient and worried, he was the only person that had ever cared about me nothing could happen to him. The pain had eased much more by now, so I forced myself up and out of the tent. I started walking towards the forest when I saw a dark shadow coming towards me.

I was useless like this, I started to tremble stepping backwards. I should of stayed where Felix left me.



I noticed the shadow was Felix as he got closer. He had a black eye, covered on cuts and bruises.

"Felix! What happened to you?"

"They'll never bother you again."

Before I could even answer him, he got hold of the arms and brought me closer, kissing me gently. I just stayed there for a moment, before happily kissing him back. The kiss was sweet, proved that he actually cared about me. It didn't last long though, Felix fell into my arms, passed out. I still wasn't very strong, but managed to get him back to the tent.

I laid Felix down carefully and knelt down beside him. I grabbed his first aid and tended to his cuts, cleaning and covering them with plasters. At least I know he'll be ok...


[Felix POV]

What happened last night...I kissed her then everything stopped.

I got up, hardly in any pain and went out to see (Y/N) taking in the sunrise. I walked over and stood beside her.


I smiled at (Y/N), earning a slap from her.

"Don't worry me like that again!"

"Ok ok, I'm sorry..."

She calmed down and hugged me.

"Its just that your the only person that has ever really cared about me...a-and I didn't want anything to happen to you because I need you..."


I lifted her chin, so she'd look up at me

"I'd always come back for you."

I lent down and planted a kiss on her forehead, nose then lips. She instantly kissed back, I picked (Y/N) up and held her close. I moved her head back slightly, so our lips were inches apart,

"You better."

"Or what"

"You don't want to know"

I chuckled, kissing her cheek.

"whatever you say."

I put her down and messed up her hair and walked back to the tent.

"Hey, where do you think your going."

I heard her call from behind, the next thing I knew I was face down on the floor with (Y/N) laying on me.

"I never said you could go yet."

(Y/N) got off me and rolled me over so I was laying on my back,

"where you go, I go"

I sat up and cupped her cheeks, nuzzling her nose gently.

"I already said I'd never leave you alone for too long and that's a promise."

"Okay...as long as your always there to save me from danger."

"Of course I will be"

I kissed her all over her face and got up, pulling her up with me. (Y/N) jumped up at my wrapping her arms and legs around me,

"Your my hero..."


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