Chapter Twenty-Nine

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    I am sitting in front of my closet with my hands tangled in my hair. My mom knocks at the door.

    "Brianna. Your friends are here."

    "Let then in." I say not moving. I hear them walk in and stare at me.

    "Are the voices getting to you again?" Bethany asks.

    "No. I can't decide what to wear."

    "Move out of the way." Beth says pushing me out of the way. "We are going to go do your hair and make up while they choose your outfit."

    I go against my will and Beth does my hair and make up. After we are done the other girls walk in with I've of the dresses I was supposed to wear during the premieres. It is the most flashy dress we bought and is by far the sluttiest outfit I own.

    "Guys I can't wear this. Muffin will get the wrong idea."

    "Do you want to make Miles jealous or not?" Beth says.


     "Then put on the dang dress."

     "Ugh fine." I put on the dress reluctantly. When we are done I have pink eyeshadow, red lipstick, a red mid thigh dress, big hoop earrings, and what must be 6 inch sparkly heels.

    "If you guys wanted me to look like a slut, you succeeded." I say still in the bathroom.

    "Shut up and come out here so we can see you."

    "Okay fine but I look..." I say opening the door.

    "Oh my god Bri."

    "I know I look like a slut."

    "No you look... gorgeous."

    "Well thanks." I say. My mom knocks on the door again.

    "Bri. Brandon's he-" my mom says opening the door. "Oh sweety." she says interrupting herself. She holds a hand over her mouth.

    "It's just a party mom. It's not prom." She shakes her head and hugs me.

    "I don't care what occasion it is. You look beautiful."

    "Thanks mom. Now I have to go." She nods. My friends' dates are here too. Kait left already with Tyler. I set Neomi up with Robbie Kay. She about peed herself when she saw him.

    We leave and head to Miles' house. I'm driving since I've been to his house a million times. The whole way there I can feel Brandon's eyes on me.

    "We're here." I say parking the car. I am getting really insecure with Brandon staring at me like that. We all get out and walk into Miles' house. Brandon has his arm wrapped around me. I really don't want him to be the one holding me right now.

    "Hey B." Miles says walking up to me eyeing Brandon's arm around me.

    "Hey M." I say taking Brandon's arm off of me and hugging Miles. Is it creepy that I'm smelling him right now?

    "Who's this?" Miles asks gesturing to Brandon.

    "Oh Miles this is m-Brandon. Brandon this is Miles." I say.

    "Brandon's my date." I say watching Miles' reaction. I think his face falls a little bit but I could be imagining it.

    "Nice to meet you Brandon. I'm Miles Teller, but please call me Miles."

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