Sweet Dreams

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Kihyun folded the last pair of pajamas and placed it neatly in his navy blue suitcase. He glanced over both of his shoulders to ensure that he hadn't forgotten to pack anything. He was getting ready for a well deserved vacation back home so he could meet his parents after what seemed like an eternity. He then zipped his suitcase closed and placed it next to his nightstand so that he wouldn't forget it the next morning. He headed into the kitchen and found I.M. engulfed in a blanket on the couch with his computer in his lap. He was watching some drama and slurping a bowl of ramen. Kihyun poured himself a glass of water and plopped down next to his dongsaeng.

"What are you watching? W?" Kihyun asked curiously.

"Yeah. The plot is so compelling and addictive that I decided to stay all night and binge-watch the whole season" replied I.M., not even taking his eyes off the computer screen.

"OK, but don't stay up too late. You need to get some sleep so that you can wake up tomorrow morning and see me off before I leave for the airport." Kihyun said. He chuckled at how adorable his dongsaeng looked at that moment.

"Don't worry hyung, I will. I'm going to miss you" replied the younger as he leaned his head on Kihyun's shoulder. Kihyun gave the younger a warm hug before he slowly got off the couch and head to the bedroom. He saw Minhyuk already fast asleep. Kihyun climbed into his bed, set his alarm, and turned to face his roommate's back.

"Good night Minhyukkie" whispered Kihyun, careful not to wake the other. He switched the light off and drifted to sleep.

~ 3 am ~

Kihyun woke up to the sound of sniffling and mumbling in the bed next to him. He groggily rubbed his eyes and turned to look at his roommate. Minhyuk seemed to still be fast asleep, much to Kihyun's surprise. Kihyun threw off his covers and reluctantly got out of bed and walked to the other side of the room where the noise was coming from. Minhyuk's covers were pushed to the end of the bed.He had pulled his knees up to his chest. He was shivering, sniffling and mumbling to himself. His cheeks were bright pink and tear-stained. Kihyun assumed that he was having a bad dream, so he tried to wake him up.

"Minhyukkie, Minhyukkie, wake up sweetie" Kihyun whispered as he gently poked the other's cheek in an attempt to wake him. Suddenly, Minhyuk abruptly sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. He looked at Kihyun with a face that made Kihyun's heart sink.

"K-Kihyunnie? Did I *sniff* wake you?" Minhyuk whispered with a voice so soft that Kihyun wouldn't have been able to hear him, had it not been for the close proximity. Minhyuk looked incredibly miserable, which was nothing like his usual cheerful self. This worried Kihyun even more.

"What? Of course not, I'm fine, but are you OK? What's wrong sweetheart?" Kihyun responded. Minhyuk seemed to tense up at the last word, but Kihyun disregarded it.

"It was just a nightmare, I'm fine. You should get some sleep, your vacation is tomorrow" Minhyuk responded blankly. Kihyun knew something was wrong with his hyung, and he intended to find out. He looked Minhyuk in the eyes with a serious expression, trying to show him his concern.

"No, I know something is wrong, you aren't behaving like yourself. Please just tell me, I promise I'll keep it a secret, pleeeeease...,". At this point, Kihyun was desperate to help his dongsaeng. Kihyun and Minhyuk were practically the same age, as their birthdays were only 19 days apart. However, Minhyuk acted much younger and had a bright personality. What Kihyun saw was a completely different person, not the usually sunshine-like boy he knew.

"Well, I had a dream that, uh, you would leave us. Yeah, I know I'm being paranoid, just forget it," Minhyuk responded in a dejected tone.

"What? Of course, I'm not gonna leave you guys, I love you all. You guys are my family, I would never dream of leaving any of you sweetheart," Kihyun said. He was relieved that he finally figured out what was bothering Minhyuk, but he was still worried. "Why would he think I'd leave them? I've left for vacation before..,". Minhyuk immediately looked more at ease after hearing this.

"I love you Kihyun,". Kihyun couldn't believe his ears at first, but then it hit him. He took Minhyuk's hands in his own and looked him in the eyes.

"I love you too Minhyuk,". Minhyuk beamed and hugged the smaller one. They stayed like that for a while, not wanting to leave the other's embrace. Eventually, they had to go back to sleep.

"You wanna sleep with me tonight Kihyunnie?" Minhyuk asked in a sweet voice, patting the empty space next to him. Kihyun happily obliged and they snuggled close together, content with each other's company. Kihyun looked at the sleeping boy in front of him, mouth slightly ajar, his soft breath warming Kihyun's nose.

"Good night Minhyuk," he whispered before he drifted off to dreamland.

"Good night Minhyuk," he whispered before he drifted off to dreamland

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