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Minhyuk was sprawled out on his bed like a starfish staring straight up at the ceiling. His head was a cauldron full of emotions and he didn't know what was going on.

"Was I really jealous? But why? It was just a phone call, even though he did don't call me first and............oh. Maybe I am jealous. BUt dOeS tHat mEAn I LiKe HiMMm?"

Minhyuk missed Kihyun a lot so that's probably why he's feeling this way. He left his bedroom to go clear his head. In the living room, I. M. and Hyungwon were playing Overwatch and Wonho was sitting behind them, staring at Hyungwon mostly. Hyungwon flipped his bangs out of his face and resumed playing while Wonho smiled at how cute his band member was being. Minhyuk smiled at how hopelessly in love Wonho was. He walked into the kitchen and saw that he had left his phone on the counter. As he went to pick it up, it started ringing.

Incoming FaceTime from "❤️KiKi❤️"

Minhyuk looked like he was attacked by a bird at the moment. He fixed his hair and adjusted his clothes before picking up.

"HII MIN-MINNIE, how are you"

Minhyuk had to use all of his will power to not screech at how adorable that nickname was.

"Hi KiKi, I'm good but I miss you and it's so quiet here without your yelling," he replied, pouting after the last sentence.

"How's your mom doing?"

"Good. She's been stuffing me with food ever since I set foot in this place,"

"She better be, you're way too skinny these days,"

"Haha, but I won't be skinny by the time I get home, I might not even be able to fit in the doorway when I get home,". Minhyuk cracked up at the idea of a fat hamster getting shoved through a doorway.

"Have fun and make sure you get some sleep over there, and sEnD PicTurES Of eVeRytHiNg!". Kihyun giggled on the other side and Minhyuk couldn't help but grin at Kihyun's smile.

"Did you know they have a store full of just Rilakkuma? It's so adorable and I wish you guys were here with me to see it."

"Hopefully I. M. won't hit his head on anything this time"

"Hahahaha, oh yeah, I remember that. Anyways I have to go, tell the others I said hi. Bye Min-Min," and with that he hung up. Minhyuk felt better now after hearing Kihyun's voice and seeing his smile. His smile could seriously brighten up a room and his laugh was so pretty that Minhyuk couldn't stop smiling, even after he had hung up. Kihyun must be some angel who got lost on earth. Minhyuk wanted him all to himself for the rest of his life.

Woah, wait. What??!

Maybe he did like him after all.


Look who's back. Me. Remember when I said I would update on Friday's? Forget that. I just updated this at 7 am on a Thursday. HmmMm. Thx for 123 reads. 🐸 I'm a happy frog. I hope you guys have a good winter break. Eat lots. I know I will. Vote and read and comment plz. I love comments. Not spam tho. AnYwAyS, see you guys soon (hopefully). Peace out ✌️.

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