Memory lane

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Kihyun woke up later than he usually would at the dorms, but his flight had really tired him out. He slowly opened his eyes only to be blinded by the rays of sunlight penetrating through his window. He slowly sat up in bed, running a hand through his disheveled dark brown hair. He had slept in the guest room, which was at the end of the hallway and, sadly, far from his mother's room. Kihyun slipped out of bed and stretched, yawning because of the exhausting flight yesterday. Walking down the hall, he could hear the clinking of pans coming from the kitchen. He saw his mom by the stove cooking away with a plate full of seafood pancakes and a container of fresh kimchi sitting to the left of her.

"EOMMA, you shouldn't have, really! Oh my god, you must have worked so hard to make this much, wow," Kihyun exclaimed, practically drooling at the sight of so much food.

"It's nothing baby, go brush your teeth so we can eat," his mom replied, chuckling at her hyper son. 'No matter how old he gets, he'll always be the same Kihyun I've always known' she thought.

Kihyun flipped switch in the bathroom and looked around. There was one sink and a cluster of different shaped cabinets underneath the counter. He opened the one directly underneath the sink, looking for a toothbrush since he forgot to pack one. Instead he saw something else.

His brother's watch.

Kihyun has given it to him as a birthday gift when he turned 13. He had cherished it and cared about it and Kihyun thought he would have taken it with him. Kihyun remembered the day he gave it to him.

~~~~~~Flashback to brother's birthday celebration~~~~~~

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEN!!!" Kihyun screamed, his parents walking right behind with a huge cake. Ken was standing with his eyes shut tight and his hands covered by his face in the kitchen. He opened his eyes and turned around, his face showing an expression of surprise and joy that Kihyun would never forget for as long as he lived.  His younger brother had the cutest smile, with two bunny teeth in the front which made him look even more adorable and lovable. Kihyun watched in awe as Ken jumped up and down clapping his hands like a bunny rabbit, practically squealing with excitement. Despite the fact that he was in 7th grade ( Kihyun was in 9th ) , Ken was always going to be Kihyun's baby bunny.  Ken gawked in amazement at his cake, which was chocolate with buttercream frosting and a picture of Spider-Man on the top. His dad was lighting the "1" and "3" candles while his mom was getting 4 plates and a knife.  They sang for Ken and he blew out his candles, still clapping with excitement. Kihyun waited till his brother was done with his cake and sat back down before he gave him the gift.

"For me? REALLY? THANKS KIKI!" Ken squealed as he carefully peeled the wrapping to reveal a box. He opened it gingerly and gasped when he saw what was inside. His expression was priceless. He slowly lifted the silver watch out of the box and looked at Kihyun with an astonished face. He looked back at the watch and smiled one of his iconic smiles. Kihyun loved his little brother more than anything and making him happy made Kihyun happy too.

"You're a teenager now, so I guess you need a grown-up present. I hope you like it," Kihyun replied sheepishly.

"I LOVE IT SO MUCH OHMAGAWD THANK YOU SO MUCH" Ken replied. He carefully set the watch back in the box before running to the other side of the table and get video by his brother a warm hug. Kihyun grinned from ear to ear and pecked his little brother on the cheek.

"I love you, Kiki".

"Love you more, bunny". 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kihyun stared at the watch. It looked like it was in good condition. He was pleased to know that he was taking good care of it.  As to why he forgot to take it with him, Kihyun still didn't know. He felt a twinge in his heart and felt sad knowing that his brother forgot to take something so important to him. When Kihyun became a trainee under Starship, he promised he would wear it everyday. Yet here it was, sitting unwanted, neglected, forgotten.

I guess things change.

————————— A/N ——————————

Yo, look who came back from the dead. That's right; me. I'm SoRry For BeInG InAcTIve. Hopefully you guys like it. I already know how I want it to end so I'm forcing myself to get through the rising action faster so we can get to the ending. Oh my flop thanks for 97 reads I FEEL SO LOVED. IM SO LUCKY TO HAVE U PPL READING THIS. LOL I only have legit 6 votes tho 😵😢. I feel like my story is horrible if so many ppl read my story but I only have 6 votes. Plz vote so I dont feel like I'm failing. Thx for reading and/or voting I reeeeeeally appreciate it. Peace out ✌️.

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