Start Of Something New (chapter 1)

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 before i start i wanna tell this book is gonna be a collab with my dear friend ReallyConfusedBean , this chapter is written by her so all credit goes to her, this chapter is gonna be small, hope you like it!


(Y/N)= your name

(H/C)= hair color 

(N/N)= nick name

(E/C)= eye color

3rd person's POV:

"If you have a dream, follow it with all the determination you've got"

"Are you sure, (Y/N)?" A woman asked a (H/C) haired girl that held a few bags with her with a concerned tone in her voice

"Yeah, mom. I will go to London and make you proud!" The girl flashed a smile and looked away, seeing a taxi coming by "My taxi is almost here. Oh man, I could've used an Uber instead..."

"Give up your dream, (N/N)" The woman said to her daughter "Being a rockstar is far too hard, you could become a doctor, a lawyer, maybe even a vet instead!"

"No, mom." (Y/N) sighed "I will become a rockstar and make you proud, nothing you say will make me change my dream." She turned around, noticing that the taxi have arrived

"Farewell, mom." (Y/N) entered the taxi with a big sigh. That would be the beginning of a whole new life with new adventures.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The girl who just entered that car was (Y/N), a (H/C) haired girl with (E/C) eyes.

She Always was just one more person in that country, but one day, she decided that everything would change, she decided to become what she always wanted since a litte kid: a Rockstar.

She went to London for more opportunities, and would do everything she could to fulfill her dream. Little did she know that she would meet someone who would get her to meet the love of her life. And with that, new adventures unfold.

Welcome to your new life, (Y/N)! I hope you are ready to fulfill your dreams, make new friends, having new enemies, maybe even some more acquinances....

Whatever happens, keep moving on!

Tord x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now