✿ Ice Cream ✿ (Chapter 6)

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IDK: Hewwo, dear readers! It's been a while! I missed you, so did Author-chan! Okay, so. I just did minor changes on the chappie so any compliments are fully to Author-chan, 'kay,'kay? (∩_∩)
Oh yeah! Question of the day! What's your favorite book? No need to answer just curious, lol. Oops, sorry for messing your Author Note, Author-chan!

3rd persons POV:

Y/n returned to her room and kept on thinking about what happened, not getting any conclusions, she decided to shrug it off.

Tom entered the room, looking like he was in a good mood today. Or at least, for now.

"Oh! Hey, Y/N. Would you like to go to grab ice cream with me? I am in the mood for one right now."

"Sure, why not? But why invite me?" Y/N asked.

"Just a treat, I guess. Also, because you also did good in the music class so I thought that I could treat you some ice cream." Tom replies.

"Wow! If I had teachers like you in school, then damn! I would go to school everyday" Y/N joked with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, but you don't go to school now and I am your only teacher soooooo..." Tom smiled a bit too, in response.

"Yeah, Teacher!" Y/N says with a chuckle.

"Okay, but seriously call me Tom, 'cause it sounds weird if you call me a teacher, even if I am one for you." Tom replies.

"Sure, teacher" Y/N says, in a way of teasing Tom, then, she runs off to hide because she knew that she ain't getting away with what she just said.

"Why you little......" Tom says and chases Y/N in a little catch game.

"Okay...! Sorry, Tom! Let's go!" Y/N crosses her arms, still smiling, after giving up

"Okay. Let's goooooo." Tom says and exits the room with Y/N following him from behind.

They both walk to the ice cream shop because it was not far away from their house. As they reach the shop, they go inside and start to order their ice creams.

"What flavor do you want, Y/N?" Tom asks.

"(Favorite flavor), please!" She simply replies.

"(Favorite flavor) it is, then. Okay, then chocolate for me." Tom tells the person working in the shop.

"Here you go sir, and here you go madam. Have a nice day" The man working says with a smile and gives them their ice creams

"Thank you" Tom and Y/N reply the man in unisson.

They both start to eat ice cream and talk alot with each other. They are beginning to become good friends, actually. They finish eating and head home.

"Thanks, Tommy." Y/N says cheerfully, in a childish manner.

"Welcome." He smirked sightly "buuuuut... Don't call me Tommy" Tom replies.

"Why not?" Y/N asks.

"Because... Why do call me Tommy?" Tom asks.

"Okay... Forget it, Tom" Y/N says as she gives up. Trying not to start a discussion right there, right now.

Soon they enter the house and see a Tord. A Tord waiting for them, on the door. Was he spying?

"Hello Y/N, hello Tom" Tord greets them.

"Ummmm hi?" Tom and y/n reply.

"Soooo..." He approached both of them "Where were you?"

"Why do you even care, commie?" Tom was clearly annoyed by Tord, and he didn't hide it.

"I don't care. I was just asking!" Tord replies with a cynical smile pasted on his face.

"You both seriously need to stop fighting or else I will kick you both on the butt" Y/N says, clearly annoyed.

"Fine..." Tom groans in anger and annoyance a he leaves.

"So...! Y/N! Where were you?" Tord asks.

"We just went to eat ice cream, why?" Y/N replies with a smile.

"Oh... I was just asking. Ya know, you could ask me to go too because I wanted to go too" Tord says.

"It was a treat by Tom so I guess it was up to him. Sorry" Y/N shrugs with an apologetic smile.

"Nah... it's okay I was just kidding, anyways. C'mon let's go inside." Tord says as he gestures Y/N to come inside.
And Y/N follows him...............

Meh...that's the worst chappie I've written sorry ;-; I'll try to write a better one next time.

IDK: Don't worry, Author-chan! You are great! Keep on trying your best! ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

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