My Room? (chapter 3)

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A/N by Messa: this chapter is written by IDK_Whats_Going_On

A/N: Hey Hey Hey! It is I the great IDK! Welp, Im in my holidays already! Yay! Uhh... I didn't know if I could curse in the chappies, so I will try to... Don't curse? Or use light curses? IDK. Question: When will or did your classes end? Have a great day!
"I asked because... Well, I guess you will be my music teacher...?" (Y/N) said, staring his black eyesockets.
"Wait wait wait. So, you are (Y/N) (L/N)?!" Tom asked in a sightly surprise, just so the girl could nod vigorously at the blue hooded male
"Wow, uh, that's a great coincidence." Tom said."Haha, yes!" The girl smiled a bit more, as Matt suddenly threw his hands up."It must be desssstinyy!" He said, and both blushed. (Y/N) didn't like Tom. He didn't make her type, even if she didn't know what her type exactly was. "Don't make things awkward, Matt!" Edd crossed his arms with a disapproving look. "They dont even know each other yet!".

"Yeah, also Tom is just my Music teacher and roomate. He doesn't even make my type." (Y/N) rolled her eyes sightly. Of course, she wasn't interested in Tom. Maybe in another universe where the whole plot was different, but not in this universe. She looked at the corner of her eye for a sightly second and made some kind of eye contact with Tord, that stared her for that one second.

"Meh, anyone who likes that Jeovah Witness this way would be a total loser." Tord stopped staring and crossed his arms, while staring the TV.

"Tord!" Edd glared at him. Woah, Eddy is such a mom!

"That's my name!" Tord replied, winking with one eye.

"Hey, take that back you fricking commie!" Tom glared at Tord, (Y/N) didn't want to be in the fight of two men, so she just went to the background, to sweatdrop with Matt and Edd.

"What is it, Tommy? I didn't even offend you that hard! Is this all you can take? Oh, so defensive about yourself." Tord made a goofy voice. It was enough to make (Y/N) want to giggle at such stupid voice. His Norwegian accent only made it better.

"Ugh, shut it. You are going to scare the newcomer right away!" Tom said

"That's not a problem." Tord shrugged. R00d."Hey, that's not really nice! I am sure (Y/N) will be a great friend!" Matt said in a quite childish voice, of course, (Y/N) wanted to giggle again.
Do you have giggle bugs or do you really like funny voices? I don't know.
"Meh, I don't care, I'm going to do my stuffs." He said, and walked away.

The four remaining just stared eachother for a few seconds. "Is this normal around here?" (Y/N) whispered to Edd, that took a can of Cola out of nowhere."Yeah, I guess Tord and Tom will never stop being so rude to each other." He took a small sip, and smiled "But don't worry, they would never hurt each other that bad in fights, and won't hurt us either! Cheer up!"

"Probably." Tom corrected, but was brutally ignored."Yeah! After all, we need to show you around too!" Matt said with an excited tone, the girl just smiled in response."Okay! I am looking forward to it!"

"Alright, alright, alright." Tom clapped his hands togheter for each alright he said, trying to catch some attention to himself. "Let's start by the most important thing... Where will she sleep?"

"Uhh, she could sleep with Tord?" Edd suggested, taking another sip of Cola. Sorry Edd, but your efforts to make the fanfic go on will go to waste.

"Hell no!" Tom closed his eyes in disagreement "His room is a very scary place."

"How come?" (Y/N) asked.
"A very scary place. Don't go in there." Tom replied.
"Uh? Why not?" (Y/n) asked.
"Because I said so. You will regret it if you step one foot in there. Also, knock the door before entering, or things will get scarier." Tom made a traumatized face. That was enough to (Y/N) know that his room wasn't safe. Thanks, God of Virginity Protection, Tom.
"Then, she could sleep with you!" Matt suggested to Tom, that crossed his arms."Ha, no. It would be weird. Too many coincidences are enough. Also, there would be a high probability of sleeping togheter, since I don't want to sleep on the floor, but I also don't want her to do it."

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