Chapter 2

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*Dalaiah’s POV*

Michael sat next to me on the couch in the back of the bus.

I looked up and smiled, “Hi.” He laughed and smiled back, “What’re you doing?”

“My job,” I said, thumbing through the papers in my lap.

“What is it exactly that you do?”

I handed him one of the papers that contained dates and times  for events happening the next week.

“Literally this entire job is making sure you are where you’re supposed to be at the correct time and making sure don’t get into trouble.”

He laughed, “So you’re like our baby sitter?”

I nodded with a small laugh, “Essentially.”

He smiled and handed the paper back to me.

“Tell me about yourself,” he said, leaning about yourself, “I mean you’ll be on tour with us so I might as well get to know you.”

Before I could answer, Calum, Luke, and Ashton all walked into the back room and sat on the couches.

“What are we talking about?” Calum asked, leaning into Luke’s side and Luke wrapped an arm around his shoulder, letting Calum cuddle into him.

“I was just asking Dalaiah to tell us about herself,” Michael said, raising an eyebrow, implying for me to start.

“Fine, just ask me questions,” I said, gathering up all the papers in a neat pile and setting them on the table.

“Where did your parents get the idea for your name?” Ashton asked, “It’s really unique.”

“Well, it was really just my mom, my biological dad wasn’t around anymore when I was born. But, my mom got the idea, since we’re Buddhist, from Dalai Lama, you know, Dalai, Dalaiah.”

Calum smiled and said, “When’s your birthday?”

“Mm, September 21st, 1996.”

Luke grinned at me adorably. I wasn’t sure what it was about him, but I was insanely attracted to him, not just physically, but something about his personality drew me in. “Where were you born?” he asked me.

“New York,” I answered, “But I need to get to know you guys, too.”

Michael smiled, “How about when any of us ask a question, we all answer?”

We all agreed and spent the next hour getting to know each other and soon it was late at night.

“I’m going to bed now,” Ashton sighed, standing up, “Goodnight.”

Calum stood up and agreed, waving goodnight. Luke and I stood at the same time.

“Goodnight, Michael,” I yawned. He waved to Luke and I and we both left the back room. In a few seconds, the sound of a video game starting up filled the bus. Calum shut the door between the two rooms and we all went to bed.


“Dalaiah,” Luke said, “this is my mum.”

I smiled at the blond haired woman as she stuck her hand out. I politely shook it.

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Liz,” she said.

I smiled, “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

She looked over at Luke, “Can you go grab the textbooks from my bag?”

She pointed at the large black bag on the other side of the room backstage where Luke had his tutoring lessons.

He nodded quietly and walked over to the bag.

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