chapter 5

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That night, the boys and I all fell asleep in the back of the bus. Luke slept propped up against the corner of the 'L' shaped couch. I had, somehow, moved throughout the night and was laying between his legs with my back to his chest while he kept his arms loosely wrapped around me. Ashton was stretched out across the other leg of the couch with his head resting on my stomach. Calum and Michael were spooning on the floor, with Calum as the big spoon. I was the first to wake up, but I didn't move or get away from the close contact with the boys. I was cherishing the moment with all the boys, but more specifically, Luke. I pretended to be asleep and I let him hug me just a bit tighter.

"Guys?" a voice yelled from inside the tour bus. I didn't know who it was, but it was a male, British accent. Probably a One Direction boy. I heard the back room door open but I didn't look.

"Oh, shit, man come look at this!" the same boy yelled.

A few seconds later, an Irish accent came into earshot, "Take a picture! This is cute!"

I internally groaned as I heard his phone camera take a picture. "We have to wake them up," the British one said again.

"Good luck with Michael. He's cranky in the morning."

"They all are."

I heard them walk around the room and stop, then beginning to try and wake up Calum and Michael on the floor, telling them to get up, and I assumed, shaking their shoulders.

It was only a few seconds before I heard Michael's groggy morning voice, "Fuck off," then followed by Calum, "Mmm, go away."

The two boys laughed. "Come on get up," Irish boy said.

They came to Luke, Ashton, and I next. "Isn't that their manager?" British asked.

"Yeah, her mum is ours. She's really just an intern or whatever but Alice said she's pretty close with the boys." I soon felt my shoulder being shook, along with Luke's. Pretending I was just asleep, I slowly opened my eyes. For added effect, I rubbed my eyes tiredly. I saw a boy with bright blond hair and another with tattoos and curly brown hair. Blondie was the one who shook me awake. Curly was still trying to wake up Luke, something a bit awkward for me since he had to lean over my entire body.

Ashton woke up before Luke and groaned, scooting closer to me, and wrapping his arms around my legs, cuddling into me as he kept his head on my lap. Luke eventually woke up and smiled down at me. But he didn't move or pull away from the close contact either.

“Get up you lazy asses,” blondie Irish said.

“We have a day off, you dick,” Michael laughed.

Curly British boy laughed and sat on Ashton’s legs, “Yes, but we’re moving into a hotel now.”

“Ooh, we finally got one?” Calum asked, excited.

“What do you mean?” I asked to no one in particular.

“We haven’t had a hotel for the first week on tour because the person who manages our hotel rooming made a little mistake and didn’t book us in a room the first week,” Luke explained.

“But we have one now and then we only sleep on the tour bus when we’re driving between states,” Ashton finished.

“I’m sorry, but what’s your name, love?” blondie Irish asked.

“Dalaiah,” I said, “You guys?”



I nodded, glad to not have to call them blondie Irish and curly British boy anymore.

“So come on,” Niall said, “get your stuff and get inside. We’re at the hotel now.” Him and Harry all left the tour bus.

Calum slowly stood up from the floor and then helped pull Michael up. “If I’m getting up, so are you twats,” Michael said, “so get up.”

“You do know you just called us all vaginas, right?” Luke muttered, burying his face into my hair.

Michael laughed and grabbed my waist, pulling me away from Luke and setting me on my feet, “Yes I know.” Ashton groaned as he slowly stood up. Luke sighed and slowly stood up from the couch as well and we all left to go gather our belongings. ~~~~

“Dalaiah, you’re still staying with the boys, right?” my mom asked, “I’m rooming with Liz and you could stay with us but you’re allowed to stay with them if you want. I know you’re pretty close with them now.”

I smiled, “Yeah. I kind of have to stay with them anyhow. You know, so I can actually manage them better. It makes it easier so I know where they always are.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes as she placed her bag on the bellhop cart, “I know what you mean. The One Direction boys just leave the hotel room all the time and I never know where they are when I need to tell them something.”

I laughed as Luke walked up behind me with his suitcase. He leaned around me, placing his hand on my shoulder gently to help balance himself as he slung his back onto the cart.

“Do you guys need any help?” he asked us.

I shook my head with a blush and a smile, “No thanks. We’ll be inside in a minute.” He nodded with a smile and walked away.

“So, what’s going on with you and Luke?” my mom asked with a suggestive tone.

I blushed and shook my head, “Nothing.”

She raised an eyebrow and pulled her phone out, unlocking it and tapping a few things before showing me the screen. It was the picture taken earlier this morning with me in Luke’s lap, Ashton cuddling me, and Cal and Mikey spooning on the floor, posted on Harry’s twitter.

Millions of people saw that.

“I think you guys would be cute,” my mom whispered before walking into the hotel to head to her room.

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