"Are you going to bed?" I asked Luke who still rested between my legs.
He nodded tiredly, look at the three boys that all fell asleep next to me, "Are you?"
I nodded, "Yeah. Should we just leave them here?"
He shrugged and stood up, offering me a hand and pulling me from the pile of boys.
"I'll be nice and take them to bed," he laughed tiredly.
"I'll pull back their covers," I said, leaving the back room and going to the bunks. We were still moving, but it wasn't too hazardous for me to be walking in the moving bus.
I quickly pulled back the covers on the three bunks as Luke carried Calum into the room and dropped him carelessly on his bed.
I laughed quietly to myself as I analyzed the situation of Luke carrying his best friends to bed.
I pulled the covers over Calum, basically tucking him into bed, and pulled his curtain shut as Luke hauled Ashton into the room. We repeated the process for him and Michael.
Luke and I walked in silence to the back of the bus to grab our phones. As we entered the room, the bus came to an abrupt stop, jerking us both into the wall. My back pressed against the hard surface and Luke fell against me.
"Sorry," he whispered, not moving as he stared into my eyes making my heart race and my skin grow hot.
Our eyes were locked and his hands were placed above my head and he smirked down at me. He leaned down a bit so his face was closer to mine. I smiled and leaned up, standing on my tip toes. His lips hovered above mine for a second before he pressed them together. I brought my hands up to his face, pulling him closer to me.
Our lips molded together perfectly as they moved in sync. He moved one of his hands down to my waist but kept the other above my head. He slowly pulled his lips from mine and rested his forehead against mine.
I blushed and looked away from him, not knowing what to do. He removed his hand from the wall and my waist and stepped back a little, scratching the back of his neck.
“Sorry,” he quickly said, turning around and grabbing his phone off the table. He quickly said goodnight before rushing out of the room and going to his bunk.
I sighed sadly, walking over to the couch and grabbing my phone. Despite having just kissed Luke, I was sad. I was confused by how he had just acted.
I made my way back to my bunk under Luke’s as a tear fell from my eye. I hated being so over-emotional like I was.
I grabbed the jar of vaseline still on my covers, pushed my papers to the far end of my bunk where my feet didn’t even reach, closed the curtain, and did what Ashton said. I rubbed the thick mixture onto my skin before slipping under my covers with Luke on my mind and lips.
“Wake up,” Ashton said, jumping on my bunk next to me. I shook my head as he lay down, leaning on his side next to me. I scooted closer to the wall so he would have more room.
“So, we’re not going to the gym,” he laughed, “No one is up for it.”
I nodded, still not opening my eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he whispered.
I sighed and rubbed my hands down my face, “Nothing, I’m just really tired.”
He nodded unsurely, placing his hand on my stomach gently, “Well, get up. We’re going to breakfast.”
I shook my head again and sat up in the bunk, “You guys go ahead. I’m not really a breakfast person.”
“Dalaiah…” He sat up in the bed so he could look at me.
“Ashton, please. I just need some time for myself every once in a while and you boys need time away from me. Just go. I’m not going to do anything. I’m just going to watch TV.” “Fine,” he agreed, “Did you use the vaseline?”
I nodded, “I put it on last night.”
“Okay, well we’re at the hotel right now. So you can go up to the room. We already had all of our stuff taken in.”
“Who am I rooming with?”
“Luke and I. We like to change it up every time but I insisted on being with you.”
I was slightly nervous to be rooming with Luke after what happened, but I just smiled at him and wrapped my arms around him tightly, “Thank you, Ash. I don’t know why but I just trust you.”
He shrugged, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, “We can relate to each other on a lot of levels.”
I pulled away and he kissed my forehead, pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to me. It was the room key.
“C’mon. Luke is up in our room.”
I followed him silently out of the bus and into the private parking garage and up the elevator. We were in our room in minutes.
Luke took one glance at me and quickly turned away, facing back to the bed he had his suitcase on.
“C’mon, Luke,” Ashton ushered, “let’s go.”
I took a seat on the bed Luke wasn’t using.
Luke gave me one last glance before leaving the room. Ashton waved goodbye to me and I was soon left alone.
I stood up from the bed and grabbed my suitcase Ashton had propped up against the bed next to his. I pulled out some clothes for the day and headed to the bathroom to shower.