About Me

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So i am Silver_Fox1 . I am 13 years old and in 8th grade. You should go and check out my profile. It is fine if you don't. It's not like it will make me feel better or anything. You know...

SO, ANYWAYS... I like to draw, write, listen to music and being weird and watching movies. I also like to flirt with guys. I am sadly single *cough* hint *cough*. Some people say I have an amazing smile and that my teeth are white. They also say that I am pretty. HA! Once this woman came up to me and told me that I looked like her daughter, She showed me a picture or her and this girl looked like a freakin supermodel. I was trying not to look at the woman like she was crazy because she just compared me to her supermodel daughter!

Some people say that I am mean but I AM NOT MEAN! I am NEAN. there is a difference. I also don't really care about what the people who don't like me say about me. And frankly, you guys shouldn't either! Let me give you guys some advice. If you have a friend or a family who criticize you, them delete them from your life. And no, i don't mean kill them. Just...ignore them or let them go. Trust me, you will feel much better when you get them out of your life.

I like to watch anime but there aren't any good ones that come out anymore. XP. I like voltron and i am excited about the new season that came out yesterday. I like to read and watch adventure, supernatural, fanfics, romance, action and comedy. Some horror is nice as well. I love to watch animators on youtube and funny animal videos. So Yea...

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