Ferrets Are In This Season

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The next morning before breakfast I confronted Hermione about her protest.

"Hermione, you need to eat meals." I sat down on the bed next to her. She huffed and crossed her arms.

"Slave labor Kendra! You are from America! You, of all muggleborns here, should know how bad that is."

"I know it is bad, but not eating will not change it. Besides, compared to some places, the house-elves here are very well treated."

"So, they are still slaves!" Hermione exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air.  I sighed, Hermione was stubborn. Sometimes it was a gift, sometimes it was an obstacle.

"We can find more predictive ways to protest or free the house-elves, but until then, eat something. We are the ones who care the most about them right now. If you pass out from hunger out chances of doing something are cut in half."

"Alright," Hermione relented. "But we still need to help them."

"We will. But it will take time."

Classes went on normally that day. Snape was unfair and callous. Hagrid had given us Blast-Ened Skrewts to raise. They were about as pleasant as they sounded. Ancient Runes was predictive. Now that Asgard was coarperating with SHIELD, this subject was especially useful.

At Lunch Lavender marched up to me with Jasmine. She looked annoyed and a little red.

"Your friend Ron is- is- he-!" she let out a frustrated groan. I sighed and turned to look at Jasmine.

"What did he do now?" I asked. Lavender recovered.

"During Divination he said, 'Could I look at Uranus, Lavender?'" Lavender mimicked. I rolled my eyes angrily, if that is possible. What Ron did was disrespectful, but he probably thought it was harmless. I would set him straight.

"I will talk to him." I whipped around and marched to the trio sitting at the table.

"Ron, would it kill you to be somewhat respectful to women?" I demanded. Half of the Gryffindor table looked our why. Ron looked at me with a gobsmacked expression. After a few moments of silence, everyone went back to their own meals. Hermione and Harry were looking at us expectantly.

"What?" Ron finally asked. I glared at him.

"Can I look at Uranus, Lavender?" I mimicked sarcastically. Ron flushed, but still wore an angry expression.

"Ron!" Hermione scolded and smacked him over the Head with a book. Harry just laughed under his breath.

"But- that was funny! Wasn't it Harry?" Ron exclaimed. Harry just looked down at his food.

"Maybe for you it was." Hermione glared at him. "But what about Lavender?"

Ron didn't protest much this time. I sat down next to Ron.

"Just think a little more next time," I said. Hermione wolfed down her food. We talked a bit about new ways to help the house-elves. Then we all left to go to our next class.

"Hey, Weasley! Your Dad is in the paper." Malfoy smirked when he turned around. The article was take and no worth reading, but it sure upset Ron.

"There is a picture of your parents outside of a sorry excuse for a house. Your mother could do with looking a bit of weight, couldn't she?" Malfoy asked. Ron was shaking with fury and everyone was staring.

"Kendra, Potter, you stayed with them over the summer,"

We merely nodded.

"So tell me Kendra, is his mother really that porky? Or is it just the picture?"

I was overcome with anger. I was not at SHIELD, I did not have to control my temper. Mrs. Weasley was the nicest person in the world. Who did he think he was?

"Go fuck yourself, Malfoy!" I spat loudly. Hermione and Harry were holding Ron back. Malfoy was sneered and turned to Harry.

"What about you Potter?"

I took Harry's place holding Ron back. Harry seemed to have come up with a retort and walked calmly towards Malfoy.

"You know your mother, Malfoy?" Harry asked smuggly. "You know that expression she's got, like she's got dung under her nose? Has she always got that, or is it just because you are with her?"

"Don't you dare insult my mother, Potter!" In a split second Malfoy raised his wand and fired a spell at Harry. I shoved Harry out of the way and the spell grazed past his ear.

"DON'T YOU DARE LADDIE!" Moody roared as he limped down the stairs. There was a terrified silence in the entrance hall. We looked down and saw a ferret sitting where Malfoy had been. A grin broke out in my face. Moody reached Harry.

"Did he get you?" He growled. His voice was low and terrifying. Harry shook his head.

"No, Kendra pushed me out of the way."

Moody glanced at me with concealed surprise.

"Quick reflexes, Lassie. Did he hit you?"

"No," I replied.


"Leave what?" Harry asked. Moody pointed towards Crabbe, who was about to hit up ferret Malfoy.

"I don't like people who attack when their opponents back is turned. Cowardly thing to do."

I somewhat disagreed with that, but I wasn't about to tell him that.

"Professor Moody!" Said a shocked voice. Grandmother ran down the stairs with an arm full of books.

"Hello, Professor Mcgonagall," Moody said calmly. Bouncing ferret Malfoy in the air.

"What are you doing?"

"Teaching," Moody replied.

"Teach- Moody, is that a student?" She asked in a horrified voice and dropped all of her books.

"Yep," he replied.

"No!" Grandmother cried, rusing down the stairs and pulling out her wand. Moments later Malfoy reappeared, laying in a heap on the ground. He got to his feet, wincing. Moody ended up grabbing Malfoy Malfoy and dragging him to Professor Snape.

"Don't talk," Ron begged. We looked at him in suprise.

"Why not?" Hermione asked.

"I want to fix it in my memory forever. Draco Malfoy as a ferret..."

We all laughed in agreement. Hermione left to go towards the library. I went to the Room of Requirements and trained for about two hours, before finishing my homework and going to bed.


Hey Everyone, how about it? Two updates in one day. Comment what you think.

Forever and Always,


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