Leave Him Alone

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I heard Wormtail begging Voldemort for something, it had to do with his harm. I knew there was no way to escape unnoticed now.

"You stand, Harry Potter, upon the remains of my late father..."

While Voldemort monologues, I cut Harry's hands free. He tried to move them away, but I held them still.

"Kendra?" He asked, a little to loudly. I slapped his hand, hoping he'd shut up.

"Was she the girl with you? Oh she is dead," Voldemort said causally. " Look my true family arrives."

I heard the swooshes of robes, and people whispering Master. He turned to address his followers.

"Kendra?" whispered Harry, much quieter this time.

"Yes," I said. "We need to leave now!"

"Voldemort is heat," said Harry.

"Yes, we need to leave while he is still occupied with his followers."

"Harry Potter has kindly joined us for my rebirth," Voldemort announced. All eyes were on the tomb stone. I pushed myself up against the back of the tomb stone, I barely breathed as he talked to Harry. I  didn't even hear what he said.

"Crucio!" Voldemort's spell was followed by Harry's endless screams. I shot up from behind the tomb stone.

"Expelliormous!" I cried. Voldemort's wand fell to the floor, and Harry's screaming stopped. Voldemort picked up his wand and turned to me.

"Leave him alone." I barely kept the shaking out of my voice as I spoke. Voldemort's laughed and turned to Wormtail.

"You missed," Voldemort spat. He turned back to me. "Would you like to take his place?"

"If I must, but I would really prefer if we could just leave." I prayed Harry would take the hint and leave while he still could. I glanced behind me and saw he was still there. Typical.

"I am afraid that isn't an option." The curse hit me like a ton of bricks. Blood trickled down my chin, as I but my lip to keep from screaming. The pain was the worst pain I had ever experienced, and that is saying something. The spell lifted, and I realized I had fallen to my knees.

I looked up and saw Harry, wand in hand, standing beside me. Wormtail was simpering in the ground. Harry must had forcefully gotten it back from him. The Dark Lord bent to retrieve his wand, for the second time that night. He turned to Harry, and challenged him to a duel. Which Harry excepted, stupidly.

"We bow to each other." The Dark Lord bowed slightly. "Come now,"

Harry refused to bow. The Death Eaters laughed as Voldemort raised his wand.

"I said bow!" He raised his wand, and Harry stiffly bowed, becoming slave to the non verbal controlling spell Voldemort had caste.

"Very good, now face me, like a man. Back straight, and proud, the way your father died."

Harry straightened, like a puppet.

"And now, we duel."

Before Harry could move, he was hit by the Cruciatus curse again. I shot up, but a Death Eater held me down. I flipped the Death Eater over my back, and onto the ground. I put my foot on his neck, keeping him still. I was then hit with the Cruciatus curse again. More blood poured down my chin.


At Harry's words the Death Eater broke the spell.

"You tell him, Harry!" I said with all the strength I had. The Death Eater kicked me in the jaw, cutting me off half way through Harry. My head snapped back. For a few moments, I drifted back and forth between consciousness.

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