Trying to Act Normal

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"We are eating out in the garden," Mrs. Weasley said as we entered the kitchen. " There is not enough room at the table for eleven people, could you take the plates outside girls? Bill and Charlie are setting up the table."

Charlie? I haven't seen Charlie since first year with the dragons. I bet he doesn't remember me. Though, if I hadn't been giving him a crate of smuggled dragons I would not remember him either. I grabbed a pile of plates just as Mrs. Weasley yelled something about something Fred and George did.

I headed outside and began placing the plates on the table. Part of my SHIELD training was manners based so I could blend in at social events. Needless to say I set up the table perfectly.

"Hullo Kendra!" Fred called from across the lawn, where he was standing next to two floating tables, with Bill, Charlie and George.

"Kendra, did you have a good summer?" Bill asked politely. Instead of yelling back I walked over to them.

"Yeah," I answered with a smile. George laughed and muttered a spell at the table.

"You must have exercise alot," He commented jokingly. I looked at myself and noticed I was extremely  more muscular then usual. It didn't help that puberty had hit me like a truck.

"And I know you haven't."

George out a mocking hand over his heart. "Why must you hurt me in this way?"

"She isn't wrong." Bill flicked his long hair out of his face.

"Kendra, you helped with the dragons right?" Charlie asked thoughtfully.

"Yeah." I replied and forced myself to act normally. I had no idea why I was having trouble.

"All set!" Fred yelled. I backed away on instinct, which was a good thing because, Charlie and Bill both lifted their  wands and the floating tables started to crash into eachother. I assumed the first one out of the air lost.

I stood next to Ginny and laughed, and occasionally cheered with Fred and George. Bill eventually won, and Percy yelled to be quiet. I snickered with the rest of the family. A few family members shouted some veiled insults back.

By seven o'clock, the tables were teaming with food and we all sat down comfortably. I sat between Hermione and Ron. The food was amazing and I ate a large amount. Which earned my an aprroving nod from Mrs. Weasley. Ron sat next to Harry. Percy made the table talk all about wizard politics. I made sure to remember the important names, like Ludo, Barty and Bertha. Percy went out of his way to mention a top secret project they were working on.

"He has been trying to get us to ask what the event was ever since he started work," Ron said in disgust 

The table split  off into converstations I didn't care or know about. I smiled and ate my food. No one besides Ron, Harry and Hermione knew enough about me to get into any conversation that would not be akward. Ron and Hermione were whispering to Harry about his fugitive uncle. I subconsciously rubbed one of the new scars I got on my shoulder during the last battle. After a while we were all sent to bed by Mrs. Weasley.

The next morning I was woken up by Mrs. Weasley. I was used to waking up at this time and

"It is so early!" Ginny groaned as we made our way downstairs to meet everyone. Hermione sighed in agreement. They rubbed their bleary eyes and yawned.

When we got down stairs I saw Mrs. Weasley cooking breakfast and Mr. Weasley smiled when he say us. I looked over and saw all the boys, except Bill, Percy and Charlie but I assumed they would be Apparating to the World Cup. I noticed everyone was dressed like a muggle.

"Why do we have to wake up so early?" Someone complained.

"Well we do have a bit of a walk," Mrs. Weasley explained. All of us girls sat down at the table.

"How are you so energetic Kendra?" Fred begged.

"I am used to waking up early," I replied. Ron rolled his eyes.

"Walk? Are we walking to the World cup?" Harry exclaimed.

"No, that is miles away. We are walking to wn at the table."

"How are you so energetic Kendra?" Fred begged.

"I am used to waking up early," I replied. Ron rolled his eyes at my evasive yet truthful answers.

"Walk? Are we walking to the World cup?" Harry exclaimed.

"No, that is miles away. We are walking to the portkey

"Don't lie to me!" Mrs. Weasley yelled. This resulted  in a loud argument between The Twins and their Mother. Also alot a lot of candy on the floor.

We started on our journey to the portkey. Mr. Weasley chatted and answered alot of Harry's questions about portkeys. I already knew alot about them from extra studies. 'Always know what world you are in' my Dad always told me, but I assume he didn't expect it to apply to a magic hidden world.

We reached a hill and began to climb. Everyone else started to breath heavily and the chatter stopped. I however, strolled along with them. We finally reached the top of the hill.

"We just need to find the portkey. It won't be big, come on." We searched for a bit, when we heard a shout.

"Over here, Arther!" A voice called across the hill. To tall men stood on top of the hill.

"Amos!" Said Mr. Weasley, smiling as he walked towards the two figures.

"This is Amos Diggory. He works for the Ministry. And I think you know his son, Cedric?" Cedric was an extremely hot seventh year Hufflepuff I had seen around. He also the seemed for his house's Quiditch team.

"Hi," Cedric said as he looked around at us. We all said hi back. Well not Fred and George, they were still made that he beat their team. I was not there to see it because I was at SHIELD, but I heard it was only because the dementors stormed the playing field.

"Long walk? Amos asked politely. They chatted a bit. I didn't bother paying attention until I had too.

"All yours Arthur?

"Oh no, only the red heads. This is Hermione,  a friend of Rons, and this is Harry another friend of-"

"Merlin, Harry Potter?" Amos exclaimed cutting Arthur off. Well I guess it is better my name doesn't get spread around more than it has to.

"Er-yes," Harry said awkwardly. Amos went on to brag about his son beating The Harry Potter.

"He did fall off his broom Dad, I told you it was an accident..." He muttered in embarrassment. Fred and George scawled with me.

"Well you didn't fall off your broom did you!" He shouted and slapped him on the back. Feeling it was about time to speak up, I turned to address him.

"Well, dementors did storm into the field, but I am sure your son did very well," I commented sweetly with a slight edge to my tone. Amos looked at me a little taken aback.

"Pardon, but who are you again?" He asked. I smiled and held out my hand.

"Kendra Barton. I am a friend of Ron, and Harry. Mr. Weasley hadn't gotten the chance to introduce he yet," I said politely. He reached out and shoot my hand with a baffled expression. Fred and George hid a laugh.

"Must be nearly time. Do you know wether we're waiting for anyone else, Amos?" Mr. Weasley asked. They discussed this for some time. Apparently the Lovegoods had already been there a week! Not that we should be surprised. The portkey was put in arms reach of all of us. We reached down a touched it. The world spun a picked up speed. Then my feet hit the ground and I landed in a perfect crouch.

"Seven past five from Stoatshead Hill." A voice called out. We had arrived at the World cup.

Hey Everyone, sorry that update took so long. School has been piling up. Hope you liked the chapter.

Forever and Always,


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