Chapter 9 - Morning After

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I opened my eyes to the soft sound of birds and distant cars along a highway. I blinked, unable to push away the feeling that something significant happened last night.

Then I remembered.

Joel was lying next to me, apparently still asleep. With his eyes closed, he looked so young and innocent. I didn't want to disturb him.

I picked my phone up off of the floor, a further reminder of last night's events: the surprise visit, the kiss, the nightmare... And Joel had slept in my bed.

It was 8.33, which meant that any minute now my mum could be waking me; I had work at 10. Which meant I had to get Joel out of the house.

"Joel," I hissed. No response. "Joel!" I whispered louder, slightly shaking him with my hands.

"M'yeah?" His voice was heavy with sleep. I smiled.

"Come on, you need to get out of here," I said to him, conscious of the time. He blinked at me, clearly still half asleep. We were both still in our clothes, and Joel even still had his converses on.

"Hey, you look pretty," Joel said while yawning.

"Thanks," I said, amused, and got up to walk over to my dresser. My reflection wasn't pretty. "Liar!" I said, picking up a pillow and throwing it at Joel. He laughed, a gorgeous, manly chuckle that made my hairs stand in end.

"Sorry, I bet I look a state too." I looked at him.

"Nope, you still look hot." He widened his eyes in mock surprise.

"Did you just call me hot?" He asked.

"Shut up," I said smiling at him, "and get out before my mum comes up."

"Okay." He stepped off the bed and into the centre of my room. "Do I have to go out the way I came in?" I pulled a face apologetically.


"Okay. I think I may have to jump."

"Oh, God," I said, immediately concerned for his safety.

"I'll be okay," he grinned at me, then hesitated. I waited patiently.

"Can I... See you again soon?"

"I have work at 10 until 2," I said to him.

"Where do you work?"

"At a music store. I basically tidy things up and package deliveries."

"Cool," he said, even though it really wasn't, "can I see you this afternoon, then?"

"Hey, easy tiger!" I joked. His expression was shy.

"But seriously."

"Um, I'll text you when I've finished work."

"Okay," he said, his face ashen.


His lips were against mine, soft and full and gentle. His hands were everywhere; in my hair, on my back, against my hip. I roamed his back, savouring the feel of his tense muscles and the smoothness of his skin. I pulled him closer to me, wanting to close every distance between us. He moaned against my mouth, sending vibrations through me like electricity.

I tugged at his shirt, pulling it off quickly, and let it drop into the floor. He felt him smile, as his fingers went to the waist of my jeans, teasing. His tongue traced my lower lip, and I responded by poking my own through. The feel of his body against mine was unbelievable, and I began to fiddle with the button of his jeans-

Feet thundered up the stairs, and I pulled away in shock. Mum.

"Oh my god, that's my mum! Go!" I hissed at him, pushing him towards the window.

"But my-" he signalled towards his t-shirt, but I shook my head at him. No time.

He stepped onto he window sill, braced himself, and leapt. To my relief, he landed safely. I grabbed his shirt off of the floor and balled it in my fist, shoving it under my pillow. Just then Mum came into the room.

"Ellie?" I swivelled round, trying to act natural. Which, I must say, is very hard when you have just been passionately kissing a very good looking boy in your bedroom.

"Morning Mum!" I said brightly.

"Why are you... Dressed?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, I never actually got changed last night," I said honestly, "I was so tired, I just dozed off."

"Right," she nodded, although I could tell she didn't completely believe me. "Breakfast?"

"Yeah, in a sec. Just gonna freshen up."

"Sure. See in a few minutes." And she left. I breathed a sigh of relief; hopefully, she didn't suspect anything. I leant out if the window.

Joel wasn't there.

I felt a surge of disappointment, but reminded myself that I was the one who told him to go, and that if he hadn't Mum would have found out. I giggled at the thought of him running home shirtless.

I went over to my bed and retrieved his top. I brought it up to my face and before I realised what I was doing I breathed in its scent; Joel's scent. It smelt of boy, soap, and a hint of mint. I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes.

My phone buzzed. I opened the text.

I WILL see you later. And by the way I will want that t-shirt back ;) Jxxx

I smiled to myself; I couldn't wait to see him later. Besides, we had unfinished business...

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