An Unexpected Neighbor

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... I am still slightly confused about what happened that day, but I guess it's alright, after all, I was allowed to move out!

Because of my family, although we are by no means poor, it would be better for me to pick a relatively cheap apartment to live in. Thus, here I am. 

Talking to a kraken. A fat kraken with too much makeup to the point that it looks like a mask. A kraken, whose lower body are eight slimy tentacles that seem to have a mind of their own, wriggling this way and that. 

Honestly, the kraken landlady person was blabbing on about this and that, but I wasn't paying attention. 

They looked like slimy worms, squirming all over my carpet. 

No. Just, no.

This would not do. I had just settled in, and I already have slime ON MY CARPET.

I nodded and smiled politely while I was mentally flailing around in horror.


I tried to keep my face from spasming. 

Its didn't work though.

Thankfully, she was too obsessed in herself that she had barely even noticed. 

... Let's keep it that way.


I collapsed on my bed, mentally exhausted from that experience. That woman just kept on talking. And talking. And talking... 

I closed my eyes, trying to go to sleep. It was already midnight, and it was pretty late, for me a ghoul that is. Some species thrive in the night such as werewolves, vampires, etc. While not all of them stick to a nightly schedule, such as my brother, but enough go them do so that there are such things as night classes. The night people are referred to as the night owls, and are usually the party people.

Hm? You're wondering why I, a ghoul, would need sleep? Well, I kind of, well, um...

Start to disappear when I'm tired. 

Or hungry.

Or feeling bad.

Basically, whenever I'm not at my prime.

Sigggh. While being a ghoul is pretty cool, I don't have nearly the amount of skill as a high level monster, such as a devil. 

Ghouls are pretty mediocre, but their defense is ridiculous. I have close to no offensive attacking power, but as a ghoul I can phase though objects at will, float, and become invisible. While those abilities can deal with most monsters, the higher level ones have ridiculous reflexes, rendering my invisibility useless in a fight. So, when matched up against such an opponent, ghouls have only the option of defense. Floating high up in the air, or becoming a soul projection, enabling one to phase through attacks.

Ghouls are like cockroaches. Pests that are relatively harmless, but are nearly impossible to kill.

Plus, they don't have feet. I just can't get over that damn fact.

... Sigggh. Being a devil would be awesome, then I would have ridiculous attacking power, and amazing defense and speed. They are one of the elite races. 

...Wait. Actually, nah. The devil villain ends up massacring the rest of his kind anyway.




Ya gotta be kiddin' me. SHUT UP.


I smacked my pillow over my ears, trying to drown out the noise.

It didn't work.


"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I screamed. Silence ensued. I sighed in relief and relaxed back into my bed. 


"You are going to die," I growled and ripped off my sheets and rolled out of bed.

I trudged to the door in my pjs and opened it grumpily. "What!?" I asked rudely. Then I froze and immediately fixed my attitude, catching sight of the fact that the person was holding a basket of plums. Mmm, plums. I love plums.

I smiled happily in anticipation, and made eye contact with the guest. I froze.

Silver hair. Eyes like rubies. Unprecedented beauty. Not to mention horns and a spiked tail.


It seems as though the future diabolical devil king of the world, has appeared on my doorstep, carrying a basket of plums.


Oh! *facepalm* Its bad manners to stare at guests.

"Welcome, come in." I offered, holding the door open, eyeing the plums in the process. They will be mine soon enough, I just have to stomach a random stranger coming into my house for a few minutes.

The beautiful devil smiled sunnily at me, taking off his shoes outside on my doormat. "Thanks. I'm Lucifer, your neighbor. I just wanted to greet-" I started tuning him out.


Oh. So it seems as though I wasn't delusional. 

The psychotic, split personality, sadist, blood thirsty villain has appeared on my doorstep. 

Carrying a basket of plums. 




My door promptly slammed shut.


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