Karma's A Bitch

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It has been a week since that- WAIT, wait! DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!

... whew. I almost jinxed myself. Wait, but now aren't I actually thinking about it? ARRRRGH STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!

... Anyway, it has been a week since THAT happened, and thankfully I have not interacted with my NEIGHBOR.

And I plan to keep it that way.

Peaceful coexistence here I GO!

Unfortunately, it turned out that this relationship was going to be ANYTHING but peaceful.

Ohhhhh no.

And I blame this unfortunate relationship all on stupid karma.

... it was not my fault.


Not at all.


Anyway, bad thoughts aside, as expected in a reincarnation otome novel, there of course HAS to be a fated encounter.

For example, the whole "kyaa-ing" when one runs into a handsome bishie in the hall, or the "hero saving the damsel' scenario.

I of course, was trying my absolute best to avoid this type of fated encounter, in whatever way that may be.

After all, wouldn't most people's thoughts go along the line of "two villain(esse)s would be perfect together! Huzzah!" Or "I'm going to make sure the villain never falls to ruin and save the world (and in the process has the OP villain fall in love with them!)"

... Yeah, no.

Yup, sorry everyone who has high expectations and everything, but I want ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with a psycho diabolic sadist with a split personality.

I've already resigned to my fate, and I'm pretty sure that being acquaintances with the villain BOSS would make it that much worse.

... I apologize for destroying your dreams, but I'm no saint.

I haven't come into contact with him all week, (thank GOD) and I plan to keep it that way.

And it is going to stay like this forever.

And ever.

And ever.


... For some reason I have a random urge to start screaming NEVER SAY NEVER!

Buuut there's no way I would be stupid enough to let my guard down so much that I would meet him anytime soon.

... Right?

That was what I was thinking when I phased through my apartment door after buying some groceries.

Or wait,

Instead should I say, my neighbor's apartment door.

Not that I knew that yet, anyway.



I reiterate what I said before.

It's not my fault.

At. All.

After all, a villainess' level of karma, is officially, a bitch.



Sorry everyone, I was planning to do a super long chapter today to make up for my laptop contacting a virus and being confiscated by the school IT guy, thus no chapter for the last several WEEKS, buuuut unfortunately, it seems as though fate is against me. (NOOOOOO WHYYYYYY!) Yeah, well, apparently all 13 of my relatives are coming over for the next several days, and adding on my family that's 18 people staying over. Sooooo while I wish to do a super duper huge mass update for Thanksgiving, my nosy parents (who believe that anything that is not homework/sports is USELESS (and don't know about my wattpad account)(and have forbidden me from watching any form of anime until I'm 18 (EVEN NARUTO)(Not that I listen) ;) have been trying to surprise me and try to randomly sneak up behind me on my laptop to see what I'm doingg... (DANGER! DANGER!)

So, yeah. I'll TRY to squeeze an update in over the next few days, so as a treat/sorry I am going to let YOU decide which story I update next. 

Sooo... (vote/comment for one you prefer)





Best Villainess


Five Lifetimes

(sorry, Friends, Fujoshi and Refusing Fate are both currently frozen in an intense reading block, so I was thinking of fleshing more on my shorter stories. Gomen!) (voting closes whenever I start next chapter)



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