Every Life

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*************************************************************************************************************** 3 Years Later ***************************************************************************************************************

8 Years old and moving to a place unknown. Him and his brother didn't want to leave and his little sister had no idea what was going on. She was too young to understand what was happening. They moved to Middletown and now he would go to Robert G. Reid Elementry school. His new teacher was Mrs.Carpen she was a mean lady if you got into any trouble at all she would make you write sentances about what you did. You would have to write "I will not ________________ anymore or risk missing recess and writing more sentances". She also had a saying that the class would have to recite before we could leave It went "We walk a silent line, Hands politely by our sides, Theres one thing that we must do, Ears turn on and Voices off." 

************************************************************************************************************4 Years Later ************************************************************************************************************

He was hanging out with a kid named Noah every day. One day they went to the park and Noah decided to light some hand sanitizer on fire. It made a port-a-potty go up in flames and they ran. Him and Noah had run away as fast as possible and they could hear the fire trucks in the distance so they hid in some bushes a block away and watched as they put out the fire. Two days later he went to the police about what had happened and they charged him and Noah with 2 counts of arson and 4 counts of vandelism. He got put on Prohibation for two years and those years went by quickly.

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