Sour Plum

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The birds chirped loudly and the sun shone brightly into the small room through the pale purple curtains.

Valentine whined and rolled over, slowly fluttering his eyes open. He blushed once he saw that he was face to face with Jason's naked chest. He smiled shyly and nuzzled close to the other man.

Jason had his arm wrapped around Valentine's bare, now bite marked, waist. He was sleeping soundly, sounding like a grizzly bear.

Valentine didn't mind it. He felt it comforting. He sighed softly and kissed Jason's shoulder in content. He laid there for a while before deciding to wake up and make breakfast.

He carefully slid out from underneath Jason's arm and walked to the kitchen, after putting on his royal blue silk robe. He started up the fryer and put a pan on the flames before adding oil.

Jason grunted at the noises and light around him. He woke up and looked around, wondering where his lover had gone off to. He sniffed and smelled the air, it smelled of pancakes and eggs. He grinned and got out of bed, getting dressed.

He walked into the kitchen and spotted Valentine slaving over the stove with a happy smile on his delicate face.

Jason thought the boy was beautiful. He sauntered over and wrapped his toned arms around Valentine's thin waist.

Valentine gasped in surprise before calming down. He smiled, "The food is almost done... So... You can sit if you want." He said.

Jason nodded and leaned in, burying his nose in Valentine's nape before giving him a gentle kiss. He walked over to the table and sat down.

Soon Valentine served them their breakfast of pancakes, eggs, orange juice, and coffee.

"This is delicious! It tastes as good as Jamie's!" Jason said with wide eyes.

Valentine pouted, "Who's Jamie?" He asked, jealousy pooling in his stomach.

Jason paused seeing the pouty expression before grinning, "Don't worry. You're the only one for me, babe." He assured, "Jamie is my bro's fiancé. I stay with them at the family manor sometimes."

Valentine nodded before frowning in thought, "What's your last name?" He asked him.

Jason stared at him in the eyes before sighing and caving in. The other was just too cute sometimes. "It's Wayne. I'm Jason Todd-Wayne, adopted son of Bruce." He answered.

The strawberry boy gasped in surprise, "Wow! That's amazing! Is he batman?" He asked in a whisper.

Jason laughed, "Why are you whispering? But yes. He is the famous bat." He told him.

Valentine grinned, "That's amazing! You're amazing too. More in fact. You stopped crime from spreading." He commented.

Jason smiled, "Ya know? You're the only one who gets it." He said with a wistful tone.

Valentine looked into Jason's eyes, "I should get ready for the day. I got to get shopping." He said softly.

Jason nodded, "Cool. I'll leave my Redhood stuff here since I'm so moving in." He said as he stood up.

Valentine blushed, "A-Alright." He stuttered shyly.

Jason grinned and kissed Valentine's cheek, "See you later, sexy." He flirted before leaving the house.

Valentine blushed a brighter shade of red and hid his face in his hands, "J-Jerk.."

A couple days passed since Jason moved in with Valentine. Jason noticed Valentine was a little down. One day he peeked into the bathroom. He watched as Valentine played with his hair. His fingers combed through his pretty locks, but his face was one of disappointment.

Jason frowned and left the doorway. He hummed in thought before grinning. He left a note saying he was at the store and he'd be back.

2 hours passed when Jason came home. Valentine was sitting on the couch, reading a magazine when the door opened. Jason walked in and cleared his throat, "So, I'm not good at romantic shit, unless it's in bed," Valentine rolled his eyes playfully, "But I got you this..."

He handed a box to Valentine. Valentine opened it and gasped, "I know you've been feeling self conscious about your hair, but I think it looks awesome. But, maybe this will change your mind." Jason finished.

Inside the box was a bunch of ribbons. Valentine smiled and pulled the multiple pieces of silky fabrics out. He took the red one out, it matched his pink sweater and baby blue shorts. He went into the bathroom and tied the ribbon under his hair so it looked like a headband but the remaining strands flowed down to the middle of his shoulder blades. He smiled at his reflection, which made Jason melt.

Jason grinned, "Ya like it?" He asked.

Valentine nodded repeatedly and kissed Jason deeply, too happy to speak.

That night Jason was allowed to have his way.

Sweet Cherry Red: Jason Todd {Gay AU}Where stories live. Discover now